Word Problem Worksheets
Word problems are usually one of the more difficult types of exercises for students to get comfortable with. This is because we get our students use to structure and understanding what is expected of them. This takes them completely out of their comfort zone. Word problems lend themselves to be critical thinking exercises that rely on perception and to a lesser degree language arts skills. I find it helpful to spend a great deal of time teaching students to decode these types of problems to understand what is being asked of them. Then another good helping of having them recognize keywords within that context. Story based problems are all the rage at all grade levels. This is rightly so because this is the type of math most of these young people will do when they enter the workforce. The topics that you will find below are chock full of interesting exercises for your students. So get ready to enjoy some strange scenarios in these lesson and worksheet series.
- Absolute Value - We look at situation based problems that matter how far you range away from the origin.
- Addition (Up to 20) - We look at story-based situation that involve some form of a sum up to a total of twenty.
- Addition and Subtraction - Basic operations can be spotted in these story problems and we show you how.
- Area and Perimeter - We look at various methods to determine the outcome of these problems.
- Area of Rectangles Problems - We go through various ways to identify length and width and we find their product.
- Area of Squares - Perfect for when you are planning on tiling a floor.
- Beginner Multiplication and Division - We show you how to identify keywords that trigger operations.
- Data Table - There is a mound of data to sift through here.
- Decimals - We show you how to align these values and where to place them.
- Division of Whole Numbers By Fractions - These often give students some trouble. We show you how to tackle them quickly.
- Division of Fractions by Whole Numbers - We introduce a technique that can quickly get this done for you.
- Division (3rd Grade) - These problem hinge on simple steps and methods of operation.
- Dollars and Cents - Common problems you would come across when you are shopping.
- Elapsed Time - We look to figure out how long something takes place.
- Frontend Estimation - This will help you make quick guess as to end values.
- Generate Measurement Data - A story is in place with a data chart for you to examine and learn from.
- Graphing - These problems have use read, interpret, or make decisions based on graphs.
- Gratuities and Commissions, Fees, and Tax - Learn how to quickly calculate these values.
- Indirect Length - Find out how to find measures of length of odd objects or odd placements.
- Integers - We examine how to determine the types of operations that are needed to get the job done.
- Length - Get acquainted with the types of units that are required and how to set them up.
- Length In Units - The focus here are the types of units that are used.
- Liquid Volume and Mass - The metric system is funny with how these measures are calculated.
- Markups and Markdowns - Learn how to quickly make these adjustments on the fly.
- Measurement Distance, Time, Liquid Volume - This makes for a nice review section for most aspects of measurement.
- Measures of Length - What units are involved and how do you convert between those measures?
- Mixed Basic Operations - The goal here is to learn to spot which operations are involved in the word problems.
- Multistep Ratio and Percent - Learn how to use these by practical uses.
- Multi-step - We show you a way to keep it focused and simple for you.
- Multiplication - All of these problems require some form of product to be calculated.
- Multiply or Divide - We show you how to spot the operation required.
- One and Two Step Addition and Subtraction (Up to 100) - This is usually the first step towards more complex problems.
- Order of Operations - First you will determine the operations that need to take place, then you will need to figure out which operation should take place when.
- Percentages - We apply percentage skills to all types of different situations.
- Perimeter of Polygons - Surprisingly, this is a very useful topic.
- Probability - How like is it that something will take place?
- Products of Fractions and Mixed Numbers - I feel a little cross multiplication is headed your way here.
- Products of Fractions and Whole Numbers in - Just remember that any whole number can be made into a fraction by placing it over one.
- Proportional Relationships - You will learn how to determine the proportion and use it to your advantage.
- Pythagorean Theorem - You would not imagine how applicable this is to all different types of problems.
- Real Life Middle School Math - All of these word problems would be found in your daily walk of life.
- Recognize Area - How do you determine those missing plots of area?
- Scientific Notation - These are common problems you will come across in a science lab situation.
- Simple Algebra - This serves as an introduction to it all.
- Square Root - Contractor come across these types of problems every day.
- Simple Subtraction - What is the difference? Get it?
- Sum and Difference Fraction - We work mostly with like denominators, but not always.
- Solving Systems - You will see how these types of problems are applicable to the planning process.
- Time - All types of different ways to determine measures of time.
- Visual Sum and Difference - These are for younger students.
- Word Problems Leading to Equations - We write our own math to explain an abstract concept.
- Word Problems Leading to Inequalities - Bringing these to words can be difficult or easy, your choice.
- Word Problems That Require Equations or Inequalities - You will need to diagnose each and every situation.
- Word Problems That Use All Operations - It's all about action words in these sentences.
Tips for Approaching Math Word Problems

For many students, solving math word problems is a struggle. However, they need to understand that word problems are just a jumble of words that explains a problem. However, you can teach them how to solve word problems with just a few tips which are given below.
Compile Given Information - It is helpful to have students get in the habit of writing down the data which consists of the things that are given in the problem.
Read Thoroughly and Highlight - You must ensure that you read the problem thoroughly before you start doing them. If possible, make them reread it. Any words that stick out that may indicate a math operation have them highlight by either circling, underlining, or even using a highlighter pen.
What Is It Asking? - Determine the goal of the problem by writing down the things which are required in the problem. There are often things present in the problem that are not necessary. I tell students to cross that out. I also have them write down what the problem is looking for such as units or simply write down what it is looking for followed by a question mark.
Determine the Operations Needed - Students should be on high alert for keywords that give away what the order of calculations is required. Take a look below for further help on this. Once you determine the operation, write an equation or expression to help you solve it. Now, figure out the equation in which the problem is about and compare the given and unknown values. To learn how to solve word problems in the future, they need to remember the previous practices extensively.
Keywords and Concepts to Look for In Word Problems
When students first start working with word problems in class they are easily overwhelmed. They will often say that they were not aware that they needed to read in math class. If you show students how to digest these problems by breaking them into smaller parts, it becomes easier for them much quicker. We encourage teachers to help students first try to decipher the concepts that are in place and then look for keywords that may confirm those concepts. This leads us to understand what types of operations you will need to work through to solve the problem. The basic concepts that you will see in most story based word problems include: joining problems, separate or splitting problems, part-whole problems, and basic comparison problems. Joining problem types often ask us to either add or multiply. The keywords that are often found in these types of problems are, outside of the obvious, both, combine, increase, together, total, total, triple, and twice. Separate problems often are subtraction based problems they ask you to break apart groups to some extent. The keywords that will back you up here are the words or phrases: change, difference, fewer, how many, less, lost, reduce, remain, or take away. Part-whole problems often have you compare and individual groups against one another or total them, in this case they are the next progression from the other two. These types of problems often are accompanied by the phrase: how many. The comparison problem type is often the most abstract and give students a high level of difficulty. They require students to understand the nature of relationships between values. Students are asked to describe that relationship based on conditions that are presented to them. The more experience you get with this, the easier it will become for you.