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Special Right Triangles (Trigonometry Emphasis)

How do you tell if a triangle is a special right triangle? A right-angled triangle is one of the most important shapes in geometry. A right-angled triangle is a triangle in which one of the angles is 90° in measure. A sum of angles of a triangle needs to be 180°. However, if the remaining angles of the right-angled triangle are of 45° each, then it's called a special right triangle. Nonetheless, if you want to know how to spot a special right triangle quickly, you need to keep in mind a few tips. Firstly, if a square is divided from the diagonal, then it is said to be a special right triangle. Moreover, if you don't have a protractor, you must know that the lengths of the sides have a similar pattern. In hindsight, the length of perpendicular and base is x, while the hypotenuse has the length of x √ 2, with x being any number. These worksheets and lessons have students work with special right triangle and use trig functions to find many known values.

Aligned Standard: HSF-TF.A.3

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