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Rounding Up and Down Worksheets

We round numbers to make them easier to work with and ultimately manipulate to help us answer the questions we may have about tons of different types of phenomena. When a value is rounded, the problem or you are deciding a level of acceptable accuracy for nature of what you are working with. While this is not an entirely accurate method of determining a value it does give you a value that in most circumstances is perfectly acceptable. A series of lessons and worksheets that shows you how to properly round values up and or down.

Aligned Standard: 5.NBT.A.4

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Basic Worksheets

These are just whole numbers with the focus on the tens, hundreds, and thousands place.

Advanced Practice Worksheets

We apply this skill to money which is really just a shortened decimal rounding.

What is Rounding Up and Down?

Thumbs Up and Down

We often find ourselves surrounded by values that include a complete mix of digits with a number. When we are performing operations with these values it can often be taxing to evaluate the complete operation for the purposes of our exercise. There are many times where we just need a general idea of the overall value in order to make a good decision. This is when round numbers up or down can be valuable to save us time and energy.

Rounding off numbers is something students are asked and challenged to learn at a very early stage in mathematics. This is because it is crucial to understand the concept as they might need to solve problems that involve a wide range of numbers with mixed values of digits. Rounding means to make a number simpler while keeping its value near or close to the real/exact value. For example, the number 73 is rounded off to the number 70, and number 76 is rounded off to the number 80. The number becomes less accurate but easier to use and operate with. Similarly, if you have the decimal value of 0.1, the digit located at the tenths place is less than five, you will round it off to 0, and if you have 0.9, the number at the tenths pace is greater than 5 you will round it off to 1. It is important to note that in rounding off, you consider the number lesser or greater than 5 and then round it off accordingly. Rounding off is further categorized into rounding up and rounding down.

Rounding down means if the number is less than 5, say 0.1, you still round it down to make the place of interest (ones) 0. Rounding up on the other hand is looking for a value that is 5 or greater. This results in the next higher place value being elevated by 1.

This type of exercise is prevalent in situations that involve finances (money) because the cents portion of a financial value represents a decimal quantity. The most important part of understanding a financial transaction is getting a solid understanding of what represents the dollars and cents of the overall value. Dollars represent the whole number value, while decimals represent the number of cents.

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