Rounding Practice Worksheets
Although values that are rounded are often less accurate than the raw data that you started with, the outcomes will often be very similar to the solutions that you come to had the values not been approximated. This can help speed up our processes and make quicker decisions which in turn makes us more productive. These lessons and worksheets help us get a ball park understanding of the outcome of operations between several numbers through rounding. This series of review sheets can be very helpful before you start measurement units because we are often trying to work with round values in that area.
- Whole Numbers (Tens and Hundreds) Lesson- We break out the number line to help you along your way.
- Guided Lesson - We show students that it is important to understand at what point you need to round your values.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - Students might be a bit puzzled with this one because they look like duplicate problems.
- Rounding and Addition Operations- As the directions indicate, round first and then add.
- What About Subtraction Operations? - Make sure you read the instructions carefully. Some students interpret it as always bringing the value up.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Basic Worksheets
More addition and subtraction practice with rounding.
- Cap Off and Add Practice 2 - Round the values to the highest place value and then find their sum.
- Close It and Subtract Practice 2 - Round the values to their highest place value and then find their difference.
Advanced Practice Worksheets
These operations add a new level of difficulty for students. Also the order of operations comes into play with the mixed operations.
- Multiplication Operations with Rounding 1 - We need to first round the values to their highest place value.
- Multiplication Part 2 - If it is 5 or higher we round up. If the place value below contains an integer of 4 or less, we round down.
- Division Operations with Rounding Worksheet 1 - We then perform the operations, using our order of operations.
- Division Operations Version 2 - What is the final value?
- Rounding with Mixed Operations Worksheet 1 - Round the values to their highest place value and then complete the operations.
- Mixed Operations Worksheet 2 - Questions 1 and 2 ask us to do the math first. Once we have that value we round to the highest place value the integer has.
How to Round a Value to Its Highest or Lowest Place Value

Rounding numbers makes them much easier to work with which can save us time in the boatloads. This in turn saves us money in many situations. Even with the help of computers having cleaner numbers to work with makes the process of solving math operations flow much more fluidly.
Rounding off is an incredible concept to teach students, which will help them in real life and also in different areas of mental mathematics. Which helps their internal calculators thrive. If you wish to round off numbers, you must keep in mind a few rules. If the number for rounding off is less than 5, then you can just remove it. However, if the rounding off number is greater than 5, then you need to increase the preceding number by 1. However, if the rounding off number is 5, then we will have to see the previous number. If the previous number is an even number, then it will remain the same, and if it's an odd number, it will increase by one.
Let's take two examples; first we must round off number 6.56 to the first decimal place. If we start at 6, which is greater 5, then you can change the number after the first decimal to 6. The answer will be at 6.6. The second number we have to round off 3.215 to the second decimal place. The first number is 5, so we will check the previous number which is 1 (an odd number). Thus, we will increase 1 to 2 and then place the round off arrow on it. Since it's less than 5, then the previous number will not increase, and the answer is 3.2.
What's the Best Way to Practice This Skill?
Yes, worksheets are great and so are computer games and phone apps. I do find that when students learn this way, it tends to be more mechanical on their part when they process these problems. The best way to help become more automatic with it is to give them regular problems that they need to solve that relate to their daily routines. Have them regular answer things such as some one is having a birthday party in class. We have 33 students and cupcake packs come in dozen counts. How many cupcake packs do we need?