2 Step Order of Operations Worksheets
This topic is where algebra pops up and makes you ponder which of the operations that are present do you process first. If you need another refresher, just check below. Please remember that addition and subtraction are at the same level of priorities. The same goes for multiplication and division operators. When you run into a situation where you must pick which of these two operations (add/subtract or multiply/divide) to process start fist, just process it left to right. The same manner in which we read the English language. These worksheets and lessons will show students how to solve problems that require operations in two steps.
Aligned Standard: 5.OA.1
- Hello PEMDAS Step-by-Step Lesson- I introduce you to the acronym that helps you make sense of all this madness.
- Guided Lesson - I tried to mix up the use of operations as much as possible.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - If you just chart your way through PEMDAS, you will get it quickly.
- Practice Worksheet - You might want to do this one with a stop watch handy.
- Matching Worksheet - See if you can determine what each set of operations creates.
- Lesson and Practice Worksheet- A quick refresher and then ten problems for you to work through.
- Word Based Order of Operations Worksheet - These tend to help you create a bit of a rhythm and work it on through.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
You will find a completely worked through problem and a nice PEMDAS reminder for you here.
- Homework 1 - When you are faced with a problem that contains two or more operations, you need to remember the Acronym PEMDAS.
- Homework 2 - PEMDAS lists the order in which you should perform the operations left to right.
- Homework 3 - 1. Parenthesis 2. Exponents 3. Multiplication 4. Division 5. Addition 6. Subtraction
Practice Worksheets
Remember the steps as you progress through these. They should become second nature. I do catch myself restating the steps to myself, too.
- Practice 1 - We have 3 operations to take note of (parenthesis, subtraction, and addition).
- Practice 2 - Referring back to PEMDAS, the order they should be performed in is....
- Practice 3 - As we saw in the lesson, we will process the operations using the acronym PEMDAS as guide left to right.
Math Skill Quizzes
You will find a small scoring key at the bottom of these. The score is out of ten, so it's an easy calculation.
- Quiz 1 - This quiz will give us a baseline to see what you have learned.
- Quiz 2 - This can be used as a second version or as a way to find out what you still don't know.
- Quiz 3 - The last quiz of the bunch.
What are 2-Step Order of Operations Problems?

Mathematics can easily be classified as the oldest subjects. It is also the universal language because we can communicate quantitative values to others that may not speak our language or us their language. People applying mathematical operations to solve day-to-day problems can date back to the use of Abacus around 300 to 500 BC. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division are a few mathematical operations that are used very frequently. But ever since these operations came into use, there has been a strong need to prioritize them. Meaning which operation do you calculate first when you have a problem with multiple operations such as the expression: 5 x 2 + 7. In this case, if we were to evaluate this expression which operation, we compute first makes a big difference. If you did multiplication first, you would evaluate this expression to equal 17, but if you processed addition first the value would be 45.
We have universally adopted a system of prioritizing these operations primarily to provide a convention so that we could all use the same form. There are two versions of prioritizing these operations: PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction) and BODMAS (Brackets, Orders of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction). According to PEMDAS, parentheses are solved first, then exponents, followed by Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.
Similarly, according to BODMAS, Brackets (Parentheses) and exponents (Orders of) are of the same priority. But here, Division is executed before Multiplication because Division and multiplication are of the same priority. The same is the case with Addition and Subtraction, so it doesn't matter whichever is solved first.
2-Step Order of Operations problems are composed of three digits and any two operations between them. The operation of great precedence is solved first. Here are a few examples: 9 x 3 + 1 = 27 + 1 = 28 | 7 - 15 / 5 = 7 - 3 = 4.