Times Tables
Times tables are list of products of standard multiplication facts in a row and column format. The rows indicate the value of the multiplicand, and the columns indicate the value of the multiplier. The intersection where these rows and columns meet are where the products of those multiplier and multiplicand are located. This is a tried-and-true skill that we all had to ponder at some point in our life. In fact, those marble composition notebooks have the times tables basically engraved in the back of all of them. We show you some quick tips to help you learn your times tables at the bottom of this page. If you are learning through a book or paper, you can use your hand to cover the time's table for you. This not only helps in learning them more quickly, but this method can also be used by yourself for dodging tables. You will eventually start to retain the table you have learned. Don't forget that the key to math is practice, and the more you practice, the better you will be! These worksheets and lessons focus on helping students learn their times tables.
Aligned Standard: 3.OA.C.7
- Step-by-Step Lesson- A little color and arrows can go a long way
- Guided Lesson- A seven by five and four by four times table for you to complete.
- Guided Lesson Explanation- We show you how to match up which product goes with which.
- 12 X 12 Multiplication Times Table Worksheet #1- Fill in all the holes that you find.
- Times Tables - Missing Parts, Facts 1-3 Worksheet #2 - Quick math facts followed by rapid fire number-word problems.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
- Homework 1 - The larger products are found more within the interior here.
- Homework 2 - Four standard times tables for you to finish off.
- Homework 3 - We use larger products here.
- Homework 4 - There are actually 40 problems here for you.
- Homework 5 - Another reverb of the previous worksheet for you.
- Practice 1 - A twelve by twelve gap filled times table chart for you.
- Practice 2 - Only math facts 4 to 6 are in this practice page.
- Practice 3 - We step it up to integers 7 to 9.
- Practice 4 - We finish out with products up to 12.
- Practice 5 - A different format is asserted her for you.
- Quiz 1 - The quiz has the column and row numbers scattered, so students have to do a bit more thinking.
- Quiz 2 - The ones are a give-me.
- Quiz 3 - You could also make this a timed quiz.
How to Learn Your Times Tables

Multiplication is maybe the easiest and the most fun part of mathematics. But when it comes to learning those good ole’ times tables, do you dread it as much as everyone else does? You don't have to be afraid. All it needs is a little concentration and practice. There are also a few adjustments that you make to how you approach learning them that will help you in volumes.
Learning your times tables is not as easy as it seems. But if you learn your tables, your life will be a whole lot easier. You wouldn't have to scribble on the paper or use the calculator. After you learn your tables, there is a high chance that you can be a human calculator as well!
Break It Up -The first step in learning tables is going through very carefully are learning the chart in segments. Look upon the numbers, where they lie within that twelve-by-twelve matrix. I like to have my students learn them in threes or fours, depending on how advanced the class is. For instance, if they were learning in fours, they would learn the first four columns and rows of tables. I would spend a week on that with them to work on independently and then just like spelling, I would have them take a short quiz. I would continue on with four more rows and columns until we had them master the entire table. At the end, I would have them take a test on the entire table.
Go with Your Flow - I often find that students that have a propensity toward a single multiplier in the batch that they are studying has better success focusing on that one multiplier before moving on to learn the others in that group. Listen in working with 6s seems pretty easy to you, focus on that group of multipliers until you master them. Once you do move on to the others in the group, they will come much quicker.
The Path Does Not Matter - The commutative property of multiplication tells us that it does not matter if we treat a value in our product as a multiplier or multiplicand, the answer is still the same. So that we could treat these two equations as one and the same: 4 x 8 = 32 or 8 x 4 = 32. This means that you can focus on the column or row first and the other later. I find students tend to like the first value to be the row, but that changes often.
Why Is It Important to Know Your Times Tables?
It is not uncommon for Kindergartners to show up to their first day of school having already mastered their times tables. As parents hope for a better life for their children, they tend to spend a great deal of time helping through those early math skills. It is actually a natural progression just after learning to skip count. When you think about it, multiplication is just a short hand for skip counting. The problem: 4 x 6 = 24 is an example. That is the same thing as skip counting 4s 6 times (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24) or skip counting 6s 4 times (6,12, 18, 24). It can be helpful to use a calculator to demonstrate this to students quickly. When students pivot from learning their individual math facts to full on scale of times tables, it can at first be overwhelming. With some practice and consistent repetition, it quickly becomes come place for them. Learning your times tables provides you a solid foundation as you advance to math level math skills. The progression usually follows that students will then learn how to process long multiplication problems and eventually algebra which demands a level of mastery of this skill. I find students that do not have this mastered by the time they reach fractions really struggle to understand what is going on. We encourage students to have this skill mastered to 12 by 12 at the conclusion of grade 3 or at the age of 8. I would recommend keeping in contact with home to help students develop a practice schedule for themselves.