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Position Worksheets

The concept of position is a bit abstract for some students and will require a bit of time and patience to help them understand. When you are describing a position, you are comparing the location of two things relative to one another. When you come to think of it, there are tons of words that we use in almost every conversation that we have in our daily lives that we do not even realize are position based. As a result of this, most students will come to class on day one understanding many of these terms. These worksheets and lessons show students how to communicate the position of an object.

Aligned Standard: K.MD.A.2

Teaching Students About Position

Donut Shop on Map

In mathematics, the concept of position is important for students to understand. The concept is a bit abstract because the concept is relative to something else. It is one of the first times that students are comparing and contrasting two things, in this case physical objects. It often helps students to start with what they know, and they know themselves.

I like to start with the concept of standing, sitting, crouching, and if you have a rug in your room, lying. Using friendly demo show students, the three or four positions and have them try all of them for themselves. Then expand their world a little bit and ask them what are they standing, sitting, or crouching on. You have now created the standard baseline for them. We now move on to describing other students and what they are doing. I like to set the scene for students and then have them chorally explain what they see.

Now is the time that we begin to introduce positional words, two at a time. Start by using polar opposite terms such as up/down, above/below, right/left, near/far. To do this I ask for a volunteer and have them choose one of the positions that we have already discussed, it does not matter which one. I then demonstrate the concept by taking a ball of normal classroom item and placing that relative to the student. I then ask the class to describe the location of the object relative to the student.

After you have covered all of the terms and feel that students have a good handle on it, you can have them reinforce this newfound vocabulary with the help of a blindfold. Ask for 2 volunteers. One will be blindfolded. The other volunteer will then lead the blindfolded student somewhere in the room. The non-blindfolded student will then be asked to give the other student instructions on how to travel to a specific point in the classroom or sometimes to the classroom door. The catch is that they can only use positional words.

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