Roman Numeral Worksheets
Roman Numerals, as the name indicates, was a number system developed in Ancient Rome. This was first used between 900 and 800 B.C. The numeracy system consists of seven different symbols (I, V, X, L, C, D, and M), which are familiar to most English speakers’ common letters. I which represented a finger, is a single (one) unit. V represents five and X indicates ten. The larger values are often only used in common times to indicate calendar years, but they are good to have full use of. L is equal to fifty, C to one-hundred, D to five-hundred, and M to one thousand. One of the biggest difficulties with this numeracy system is that no symbol exists to signify zero. This is also only to be used with whole numbers. Decimals and fractions are not consistent with this system which over the course of history made it difficult to apply to trading systems of any kind. In modern times, Roman numerals are still used mostly for marketing purposes because they add a level of sophistication to whatever they are associated. These worksheets will help you master the fundamentals of this numeracy system.
- Understanding Roman Numerals Lesson- You will learn not only how to restate values, but how to find the difference between them.
- Guided Lesson - You will convert between the two numbering systems and perform operations between them.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - This sheet gives you a step-by-step solution for the previous lesson.
- Mixed Review Worksheet - You will perform addition and subtraction operations and explain word problems.
- Statements Worksheet - You will be given a Roman math statement and asked to determine a modern day value.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
We go in all different directions with this skill to give you a variety of aspects to process with this skill.
- Homework 1 - You will convert values between both systems.
- Homework 2 - Complete the chart below by telling what number the Roman Numeral represents.
- Homework 3 - We process operations in the ancient form of numbering.
- Homework 4 - This is more of a free hand format to work with.
- Homework 5 - A direction is provided for you to work through.
Practice Worksheets
These practice pages get more complicated as you progress through them.
- Practice 1 - This the pillar or foundation of this skill set.
- Practice 2 - You are given decimal forms of integers to work with.
- Practice 3 - There are some interesting word problems here. Example: Justus has XII blank scrolls and XIII scrolls that contain writing. How many scrolls does Justus have in all?
- Practice 4 - You will need to remember your order of operations for these problems.
Math Skill Quizzes
The early quizzes get you a bit more. As you move through them, they get a bit more abstract.
- Quiz 1 - We work with values that are greater than five hundred on some of these problems. A key is provided for you.
- Quiz 2 - Work off of the example that is given to you.
- Quiz 3 - A good variety of problems for you. Example: Fred has XXX toy cars. Frank has XV toy cars. How many more cars does Fred have than Frank?
- Quiz 4 - These are slightly complex operations that ask you to provide your answer in Roman Numeral form.
How Do You Use Roman Numerals?

This is a number system that was invented by the Ancient Roman civilization. They realized the importance of being able to quantify things. They related quantities to letters of the Latin alphabet. Any type of transaction or trading situation that they found themselves in would use this numbering system.
When we want to use Roman numerals, it all works off of the base numbers of 1, 5, 10, 100, 500, and 1,000. They are respectively transitioned to the Latin letters I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. Just as we learn to count in our base ten system, we then need to learn to count to 10. 1 - I, 2- II, 3 – III, 4 – IV, 5 – V, 6 – VI, 7 – VII, 8 – VIII, 9 – IX, 10 – X.
As you can see, it just gets tricky when you are dealing, with values that end in 4 or 9. This is because if a lower digit is positioned to the left of a higher digit, that indicates subtraction. Conversely, if the lower value digit is positioned to the higher value, it is added.
Today, you will still find this numbering system used to bring a sense of sophistication to a numbering scenario. Have you ever noticed these values to symbolize Super Bowls? They are often found in movie titles and credits. You will find classy clocks and time pieces to use this numbering system. They are often used to indicate generations within a family such John Smith IV.