Creating Pie or Circle Graphs From Data Charts Worksheets
Creating these displays make a great deal of sense when you are attempting to communicate the significance of your data and what it means to your audience. In order to do this, you must first prepare you data. Pie or circle graphs express how each type of data contributes towards the whole data pool. Each wedge of that circle represents each of the variables. The largest wedge contributes the most towards the whole, and the smallest impacts the least. In order to create these helpful displays, you first have to get your data in order and determine how much each variable contributes towards the total. These worksheets and lessons can be used to help students learn how to create a pie or circle graph from data sets.
Aligned Standard: 3.MD.B.3
- Fruits Again Step-by-Step Lesson- If you have been using our graphing section for any amount of time, you will see that we have some strange fascination with voting on fruit.
- Guided Lesson - We have polling data for you to graph on favorite electronic devices, games, and snacks.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - The pie graphs come out well in this one. I'm sorry that I always use the pizza pie visual, but I find kids get it quickly.
- Practice Worksheet - There are ten charts for you to make sense of with a pie chart.
- Matching Worksheet - Match the chart data to a graph.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
I'm pretty sure a "Net Book" is still a thing? If not, just tell kids it a soon to be released Apple product and they'll be psyched.
- Homework 1 - Make a pie graph for the data below. Label sections by coloring each section of graph and creating a key.
- Homework 2 - Make a pie graph for each set of data below.
- Homework 3 - Determine the percentage each piece of data contributed towards the whole.
Practice Worksheets
Hopefully you have your crayons handy.
- Practice 1 - Create a circle or pie graph for each data chart below.
- Practice 2 - We vote on our favorite animal, clothing, and accessories.
- Practice 3 - Some interesting games can be found here.
Math Skill Quizzes
The standard does not include five variables, four is the limit as you'll see on the quizzes.
- Quiz 1 - It's all about chart creation.
- Quiz 2 - A pie or circle graph is based on the concept of percentage of the whole. It displays the % contribution of each piece of data towards the whole.
- Quiz 3 - Slice up your pie graph using the percentages you have determined.
How to Create Pie Graphs from Data Charts
![Circle Graph and Man Pointing](pie.gif)
There is a wide variety of methods to display numeric or statistical data visually. Bar graphs, line plots, dot plots, scatter plots, histograms, and pie charts are some of the common ways of displaying data. Pie charts are circular graphs that use pie slices to show and compare data. They help you display portions of a whole. They are normally based on percentages or fractional values. Pie charts may seem complicated graphs, but they really are not. You can use these simple steps to create pie graphs using data charts.
Step 1: Calculating the Angles - Pie charts are all about using sector angles to display data in the form of a pie. Therefore, the first thing to do is to use the values in the data chart to calculate the angles. If the total of the values is not provided, you need to start by totaling the values contained in the data chart. To calculate the angle of each slice you can use the following formula;
(Value of the component) / (Total Value) × 360 °
If the data is in the form of percentages, you can use the following formula;
(Percent value of component)/100 × 100
Step 2: Draw a Circle - The next step is to draw a circle. You will need a pair of compasses for this step. You can choose the diameter of your choice and draw a circle. Once done, you can draw a horizontal radius at any point.
Step 3: Start Drawing Angles - Using the horizontal radius as a reference point and mark the first angle. It will help you make a sector. Use the new line as a reference to mark the second angle and repeat the steps until you have divided the entire circle into sectors.
Step 4: Label Everything - You will need to give the graph a descriptive name that indicates the data that is being displayed. You will then need to label each section of the circle. You can label them by coloring each piece a different color and provide a key with the label for each slice. You can also just draw a line to each slice of the pie and name each piece of that pie.