Graph Paper (100 different formats)
Below you will find endless forms of graph paper that you can easily print and use for countless purposes. Let us know, if there is a type of graph paper you would like to see here. There are just over 100 different forms found here. If you are using these at school, make sure to turn on background printing and to print preview everything before wasting any ink or toner. You never know what the IT department does to the preset setting on your network in your school district.
Cartesian Graph Paper (Most Popular Form)

Inches (Blank)
Unformatted - 1/4"
| 1/2"
| 1/5"
Formatted - 1/4"
| 1/5"
Inches (With Four Quadrants x,y)
Unformatted - 1/4"
| 1/2"
| 1/5"
Formatted - 1/4"
| 1/5"
Inches (Blank with Axis for 4 Quadrants)
Unformatted - 1/4"
| 1/2"
| 1/5"
Formatted - 1/4"
| 1/5"
Inches (Multicolor with Cubic Fills)
- Unformatted - 1/4"
| 1/2"
| 1/5"
Useful Coordinate Planes - 4
On A Page Coordinate Plane | 4
On a Page Four Quadrant 5x5 Grid Size
Geometric Graph Paper

Trigonometric Graph Paper

Radians -
to 2 Pi (π) | 2
Pi (π) to 2 Pi (π) | Both
labeled in radians | Completed
Unit Circle
Labeled in radians with vertical grids
Labeled in radians with a vertical line
Both Sides labeled in radians with vertical cues
4 smaller sets of both sides labeled in radians
In Degrees - 0 to 360° | -360° to 360° | Labeled in Degrees | Double Sided Labeled in Degrees
Logarithmic Graph Paper

What Are the Different Types of Graph Paper?
The first thought that comes to our mind about graph paper is a paper with grids on it formed by faint lines. There are different ways in which we can make grids on paper. The most common are square grids made of horizontal and vertical lines. Some are common and some are not. It is good to understand all the math tools that you have at you disposal and can use to either better evaluate data or communicate the relationships that exist within a data set to your intended audience.
We mostly use graph paper to solve different mathematical problems. For example, students use graph paper to visually represent the relationship between numbers when they start learning multiplication and addition. As students’ progress, they use graph papers for graphing geometric figures.
Depending on your mathematical work, you will use different types of graph papers. Below, we have discussed a few types of graph paper that you can use to fit the need of your project:
Quad-ruled Graph Paper - It is one of the types of standard graph papers. Quad-ruled graph paper is made up of neatly arranged squares. This type of graph paper is usually used for graphing functions and lines, projecting the results of a science project or experiment, and developing repetitive and symmetrical patterns. Quad-ruled graph paper also comes with labeled x-axis and y-axis. These pre-labeled axes help you in better graphing and projecting the results.
Multi-line Graph Paper - Multi-line graph paper has a quarter inch quad grid that features heavier or darkened lines at the regular interval of 4 or 5 squares.
You can use this graph paper to teach skip counting to children, for creating bar graphs and representation of visual data.Dot Graph Paper - In a dot graph paper, the corners of the squares are marked while the sides are left out. This type of graph paper is used to develop chart and designs, especially the ones which demand less cluttered representation.
How to Make Your Own Math Graph Paper
Above you will find well over a hundred different forms of graph paper. While we would love to create every type of graph paper you ever need, it is impossible to suit every possible situation you will run across. A time will come when these templates are simply not enough. You can use the various online paper makers and they do help for sure. Many times, the format that is provided will not suit your needs. What are you to do? Almost all schools have access to Microsoft Word which is a powerful tool that can make your job simple. All you need to know is how many rows and columns you need, and everything is set from there. Just open up MS Word and click on the Insert tab. Place your cursor on the page. Click on the Table tab. By default, if you need anywhere one by one to ten by eight tables a preloaded can be instantly created by just choosing the size with your cursor. If you need more rows and columns, which I sure you will, click on Insert Table. From there you just tell the program how many row and columns you need and then press Ok. Viola your grid is set on the page. This is where some teachers will quickly realize that the grid is not big enough or does not span the whole page. There is a quick fix for this. Just place your cursor at the lower right-hand of the grid. You will see the cursor change to a box when you reached the correct spot. Click your mouse when you see that box and drag it to your desired length. At that point you are all good. If you would like thicker or thinner lines on the grid, double click the upper left side of the grid and a style menu will pop up to allow you to change the thickness of the lines, the color, and a ton of other things. It will take some practice, but you find this tool immensely helpful.