Coordinate Plane Worksheets
We can use a coordinate plane to understand a great deal about our world. We can use them to track position and movements across a system. Some students may refer to them as grids, which is not fully accurate, but somewhat similar. What differentiates them from grids is the presence of two axes. The horizontal (up and down) axis is referred to as the y-axis. The vertical (left to right) axis is referred to as the x-axis. We use them to pinpoint the exact location of points. Collective a series of points can form a line or shape. We can use this type of math to navigate ourselves around the planet or make a map, if we wish to. These worksheets and lessons help students become comfortable with using all aspects of coordinate planes.
Aligned Standard: 6.NS.C.6.C
- Step By Step Line Segments Measures Lesson- Find the distance between Bryant's and Michelle's hot air balloons.
- Guided Lesson - Plot some points and see if they make a recognizable shape when you connect them.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - The author over did this one. It actually shows you how to plot an X-Y ordered pair.
- Showing Routes Practice Worksheet - Plot points and track movement across a grid.
- Coordinate Planes Worksheet 2 - Time to cover all the major skills for this section.
- Joining Segments on Coordinate Planes Worksheet 3 - Put the ordered pairs in place and then move the lines across each other.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
The homework sheets start backwards, they getting a little easier as you progress.
- Homework 1 - Help each animal to reach their food by plotting the points and connecting them with the lines.
- Homework 2 - Find the length between the two points. You can simply do this by counting the number of box ends between the points.
- Homework 3 - Plot each set of ordered pairs. Join the points and find the length of the line segment.
- Homework 4 - Using a ruler, join them up as you go to make 7 separate shapes.
Practice Worksheets
Help each animal reach their friend by plotting the points and connecting them with the lines.
- Practice 1 - Help each girl find her destination by plotting the points and connecting them with the lines.
- Practice 2 - We plot the points by find the correlating x and y positions on the graph and matching them up.
- Practice 3 - Help each animal find their home.
- Practice 4 - Connect the dots and determine the shape. How many units does the snake have to move to get to the frog?
Math Skill Quizzes
Plot and join the points in the given order. Complete the figure by joining the end points. Identify the shape.
- Quiz 1 - Plot and join the points in the given order. Complete the figure by joining the end points. Identify the shape.
- Quiz 2 - Plotting Coordinate Based Shapes
- Quiz 3 - It instantly indicates how many sides each shape has.
- Quiz 4 - Plot the points on the grid above using the coordinates below. Using a ruler, join them up as you go to make 6 separate shapes.
What Are Coordinate Planes?

Not familiar with what are coordinate planes, and how many quadrants do we have? Fret not. We will tell you how you can learn all about coordinate planes. A coordinate plane is a two-dimensional plane which is formed by the intersection of two number lines crossing and cutting each other infinitely. The two lines that cut and intersect each other consist of a vertical line that is called the y-axis and a horizontal line called the x-axis. The point at which these two lines intersect each other is known as the origin. Both the axes cut the coordinate plane into four equal sections or quadrants, with the first quadrant in the right upper corner, second in the left upper corner, third in the left lower corner, and the fourth and the last quadrant in the right lower corner. If you think of the plane as an analog clock, in reverse, starting in the upper right corner is how the quadrants flow.
Here are some things that commonly escape students about this topic: This two-dimensional plane goes by two names commonly: Cartesian Plane or the Coordinate Plane. The plane contains four equal divisions called quadrants. The horizontal line that extends towards the right of the origin is called the positive x-axis, and the one that extends towards left is called the negative x-axis. The vertical line that extends above the origin is called the positive y-axis, and that extends below the origin is known as the negative y-axis.
What Are They Used For?
The main use of these planes is to track position and movement over two-dimensional space. You will begin using the plane to plot points and then compare two points. Eventually you will use it to track multiple positions that may signify a geometric shape or physical structure. In geometry they can be used to help you find a missing angle or line length.
In everyday life we use our navigation systems and specifically the GPS (Global Positioning System) many times throughout the day. That technology is a digitized version of a massive coordinate plane. To expand on this anything that flows with a number of rows and columns is just adapting using this same logic. You will notice it used in spreadsheets to help you analyze data. I also noticed it last night when I went to buy tickets to see my favorite hockey team. All the seats were setup in rows and broken up by section (columns). It is almost amazing how frequently this type of system is used in everyday life and we do not realize it.