Line Segments and Rays Worksheets
This is an identification topic that starts as something we just do for naming purposes, but as you progress with these materials this will become an essential skill to have mastered. It will be difficult to answer problems when you cannot visualize or draw the structures that they are describing. I find that students usually pick this up quickly, but they will need periodic review to remind them of what they learned. These lessons and worksheets will teach students how to identify and use rays, line segments, and basic lines.
Aligned Standard: 4.MD.5
- Say Hay Ray Step-by-Step Lesson- Learn what a ray, line, line segment, and point are.
- Guided Lesson - I forgot to cover midpoints in this one. I'll have to add another section.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - Make sure that they start by reading their key.
- Practice Worksheet - We give you a healthy offering of items to look at. Label all of them.
- Matching Worksheet - It's pretty much all about the arrows here.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
We give you a segment, line, line plot or point. We just ask you to label it; that's all...
- Homework 1 - A ray is a part of a line that carries on forever in one direction. The arrow, once again, shows the side that carries on infinitely.
- Homework 2 - A line is essentially a continuous set of points that continues on infinitely. The arrow indicates infinite travel.
- Homework 3 - A line segment travel from one distance to another. yz appears to be a line segment.
Practice Worksheets
Kids should fly through these, if not, have them practice with Flashcards.
- Practice 1 - Determine what is being displayed by each diagram. Take your time and focus on the end points.
- Practice 2 - Determine if this is a point, line segment, line, or ray and name it.
- Practice 3 - A point is basically a dot or a position represented by a letter.
Math Skill Quizzes
These are necessary, but must be the shortest quizzes know to man.
- Quiz 1 - A line segment is a straight line that connects two points. It does not continue on at all. It ends at those points.
- Quiz 2 - There two ends with arrows indicate a straight path that goes on forever in opposite directions. This is line CD or DC.
- Quiz 3 - A point is pictured by a dot. It is named with a capital letter.
Segments, Rays, and Lines – What’s the Difference?

We have been studying so much about geometric shapes. We all understand that a line is something that goes on forever in both directions, opposite one another. There are many situations when lines get cut off or become part of a shape or structure. Because they are not extending on forever, they now become called something different based on how they are arranged.
Segments: Though we all know what a line is, it is actually difficult to define a line in a proper mathematical definition. A line segment contains two endpoints. These endpoints contain all the points that lead to a line segment. You can measure the length of a line segment but not that of a line.
Rays: A ray, on the other hand, is a line segment with one endpoint going on infinitely in one direction without the second endpoint.
Line: A line is a rough, thin and fine and infinitely lengthy collection of points extending in two opposite directions.
As we continue on with geometry, we will need to understand these directions to be able to communicate them to one another. You will often be expected to understand these vocabulary words and use them in a problem. Understanding the core differences between lines and segments is key.