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2 Digit by 1 Digit Division Worksheets

When students begin to tackle this skill, it is helpful to make sure that they do two things: Stay organized and use an erasable writing implement. Make sure that they stay organized throughout the process. This usually starts by reviewing the parts of division by providing them with the skeleton of the parts of division: dividend ÷ divisor = quotient. Then we show students how this translates to the long division bracketing system. Get them in the habit of taking their time and writing the columns perfectly vertically as you work through the problems. When you begin working with 2 digit by 1 digit division, you should focus on problems that have a dividend under 30 to get the hang of things. These worksheets and lessons focus on performing division between a single and double digit value.

Aligned Standard: 3.OA.C.7

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

Each problem is set in the standard brackets. This standard doesn't require it, but I haven't seen Core test differ from this.

  • Homework 1 - Is the number to the left of each row divisible by the number at top of each column? Write YES or NO in each box.
  • Homework 2 - If a number can evenly divide (no remainders) into a number, that number is divisible by the other. Is 36 divisible by 5?
  • Homework 3 - Example exercise: Circle the numbers below that are divisible by 8.

Practice Worksheets

These were all arranged by my oldest grand daughter. How did she do?

  • Practice 1 - Which fits where? Match the tables and their answer keys.
  • Practice 2 - Do these values fit into the table properly?
  • Practice 3 - We look at a value being divided twice over.

Math Skill Quizzes

The quizzes are very straight forward.

  • Quiz 1 - The number 6 __5 is divisible by 41.
  • Quiz 2 - A large chart for you to jump right into.

An Easy Way to Divide Single Digit Numbers into Double Digits

Light House

It is a simple task to divide a double-digit number by a single-digit number but ever thought of dividing a bigger number by a smaller number? A simple technique does the division of a single-digit number by a double-digit number, and it is not that difficult to learn it. Here is a step-by-step method showing how it is done.

The first step, while dividing a single-digit dividend by a double-digit divisor, is to put a decimal point in the quotient section. By doing so, we can add a zero with the single-digit dividend to make it a double-digit number. The reason that we do that is, a smaller number can never be divided by a larger number. It is only logical that if someone has ten candies and they have to divide it among fifteen children such that each child gets one candy, it cannot be done unless a few children share their candies with others.

So, after adding a zero to the dividend, usually, it becomes bigger than the divisor, and then it is done like a simple division sum after that. However, there can also be a case when the dividend remains the smaller number even after adding a zero to it. In that case, we write a zero in the quotient and then in the dividend section. After doing this, surely, the dividend will now become the greater number, and simple division steps can be followed after that.

Wondering How to Get Better at Division?

There are many different little techniques that you can use to improve the accuracy of your answers and quickness with division operations. The first method I would like to mention is to draw a picture that models the scenario that is taking place in the problem. A quick reminder on some division related vocabulary. The number that is being broken up is called the dividend. The value that you are dividing by is called the divisor. If you think of the divisor as a series of cardboard boxes that you are placing the dividend into, it gets easy quick. If you were tackling the problem 10/2, you can look at it as separating 10 items into 2 cardboard boxes. You just have to ask yourself how many items would be in each box. In this case the answer would be 5. You can always check your answer by subtracting the value repeatedly until you reach zero or a remainder that you cannot evenly divide. If you begin to apply these two simple strategies to your every day quotient operations, they will quickly become simplified and you can move on to much more complex topics for yourself.

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