Count by 2, 5, 10 Worksheets
Skip counting is a great transition skill for students to practice. It really helps them move toward working with operations often and early. In this section we are going to focus on the 3 most common skip counts. Counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. This makes a great setup for children to transition to working with halves on base ten units. You will find this topic invaluable for crossing over to working you’re your operations. These worksheets and lessons focus on mastering the art of counting by set skipped numbers.
Aligned Standard: 2.NBT.A.2
- 2s Step-by-Step Lesson- This one starts off easy enough. Just with a basic two pattern.
- Mixed Skip Counting Lesson and Practice - Our lesson is on 5s. We then practice with skip counts of 4s and 10s.
- More Mixed Skip Counting Practice - WLots of mixed counts for you to practice with.
- Sequence - What's before, between, and after? Five Pack - This is great for just a warm up. I like to make these mad 20 second timed practice sheets.
- Counting by Numbers Worksheet Pack - Counts by all kinds of random numbers. We give you a starting number, you give us the next number.
- Skip Counting By 2s, 4s, 5s, and 10s Practice Worksheet - We go through all the missing parts of the sequence.
- Mixed Skip Counting With An Odd Range Practice - Find the numbers of a counting sequence that don't just seem to fit in anywhere.
- Counting Sets of Numbers 2 to 5 Five Pack - You pick which set matches the directions.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
These sheets followed in a progression will get students where they need to be with this skill.
- Homework 1 - Write the number that is 4 more than the number shown.
- Homework 2 - 7 more is the same thing as saying add 7. 9 + 7 = 16.
- Homework 3 - Jumping around by 2s and 7s.
Practice Worksheets
These progress up to the block method that is the standard.
- Practice 1 - The numbers are just simple counting by ones.
- Practice 2 - When completing mixed counting sequence, find the difference between two sequential numbers first. Then plug the missing boxes with the numbers that would continue that counting series.
Math Skill Quizzes
The quizzes follow the preferred block format that you will see in many different test skill focus areas.
- Quiz 1 - Follow the counting instructions above each set.
- Quiz 2 - Count by 2 from 6 to 22.
- Quiz 3 - These little boxes are really helpful.
Simple Ways to Practice Your Counting

Counting is the starting point of learning math. It is the basic skill that children must master before they move on to other fundamental concepts. Counting is important because it enables children to learn the meaning behind the numbers. As adults, we automatically understand what six units of something mean, but children need a lot of practice to grasp this basic numeral concept. Below, we have stated some tips which will help your children in easily understanding this basic concept.
Hands-on - Use manipulatives such as candies, erasers, pennies, etc. to teach counting. Start with a small group and ask children to count them. For instance, you can line up a few pennies or eraser and ask your children from that point till the end.
Time to Sing - Rhymes or songs are hands down the most fun way of teaching math. There are several songs and rhymes that can be recited daily for practicing counting. Songs like Alphabet song and Row, Row, Row your boat can help your children in learning to count.
Hundreds Chart - A hundred chart is a great tool to help your children learn to count. Get one of the hundred charts and use it when you are introducing the concept of counting. Take a partner and have them pick any number on chart and ask you to count up or down a fixed number of places of their choice.
Nature Counts - If it is warm enough, take your students through stroll through the woods. Have them count petals on flowers or buds on branches. If you can find a cut log, kids love to learn that you can count the rigs to determine a trees relative age.
Board Games - Good old Monopoly can definitely help us count to 12 and work on exchanging money for the first time. That may be a bit of a more advanced game for those new to counting. Chutes and Ladders is always a favorite of mine for all of these levels.