Algebra Patterns Worksheets
Algebra is often used to describe real life situations and scenario. When done well it can help us make clear and concise decisions that more accurate. Some algebraic expressions and equations follow patterns and when understood can give you a great deal of insight into the nature of the pattern. General patterns in algebra model repeating or growth-based scenarios. A repeating pattern displays a good level of repetition in a predictable manner. Growth patterns are predictable, but they always track to something larger. These worksheets and lessons help students learn to identify and complete sequences and patterns in algebraic sentences and statements.
Aligned Standard: 4.OA.C.5
- Understanding Number Sequence Rules Step-By-Step Lesson- We start you off with easy to follow patterns and sequences.
- Guided Lesson - We ask you to create your own 2 patterns and compare them.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - We just couldn't get this one down to a single page without making it confusing for kids.
- Independent Practice - For the first 5, fill in the missing patterns. For the last 5, create your own pattern.
- Practice Worksheet 2 - More practice for you. Answers are below for members.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
We not only ask you to generate patterns, but we also ask you explain what you have created.
- Homework 1 - Generate two numerical sequences using the rules "Add 2" and "Add 4". Start at zero.
- Homework 2 - Compare: What is the relationship? Why?
Practice Worksheets
If you need extra time to work on this, here it is.
- Practice 3 - Fill in the numbers that are missing in each numerical sequence. Identify the rule that was followed to create the sequence
- Practice 4 - Use the starting number and the rule to create each numerical sequence.
- Practice 5 - The rule for this numerical sequence is....
Math Skill Quizzes
Time to saddle up and see what you have learned.
- Quiz 1 - Create your own rules.
- Quiz 2 - Once again you are not in charge of creating the rules, but just following them.
How to Spot Missing Parts in Algebraic Patterns?

Patterns and sequence are interchangeably used in our daily lives. However, there is a major difference between these two concepts. A pattern is the placement of numbers that it follows a recurring design. The order does not matter when we talk about a pattern. A sequence, on the other hand, is the placement of numbers of elements that follow a specific pattern but also follow an order.
Students have to learn to work with algebra pattens. Students must learn to find the terms that are missing or unknown. You need to follow these simple steps to find the missing parts of a math sequence.
Step 1: Identify the Order - The first step is to identify the order of the pattern. If you look at the numbers, take a look to see if it has an ascending order or descending order. You have to judge which order the sequence is following. Many times, the pattern may seem erratic and that is fine, there is something in there that is regular and consistent. You just need to spot it. Start breaking into sections and see if you can identify any connection between the section.
Step 2: Analyze Two Consecutive Terms - Every sequence will have two consecutive terms which will help you find the missing numbers in a sequence. You have to find out the arithmetic operation that links the two numbers. If they are in ascending order, it might be a simple case of addition or multiplication. If it is in descending order, it might be a case of subtraction or division. If they are seemingly random look for a mixture of the two operations.
Step 3: Trial and Error - The next step is to apply the two possible arithmetic operations on the numbers. In ascending order, you will have to apply addition or multiplication. In descending order, you will have to apply subtraction or division. Finding the number that connects the sequence is purely a trial-and-error method.