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Adding 3 Numbers Worksheets

When we begin to begin learning the addition operation it is all centered around the concept of adding two integers together regardless of the place values that are present within these values. In the real world when we are finding sums, they usually involve a great deal more data than just two values. This skill makes that first step for students towards realizing this. When we begin adding 3 numbers together, we need to first remember the commutative property of addition that tells us the order of the addends do not matter as long as just the addition operation is being process. We suggest that you set these problems up in a vertical fashion because it makes it much easier to see the place values. You process these from the lowest place to the highest place value. If at anytime a sum in a column is 10 or greater carry the tens place value to the next column. In this series of lessons and worksheets students will learn how to find the sum of three integers.

Aligned Standard: 2.NBT

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

All the sums are setup vertically for you to work with.

  • Homework 1 - Start by adding the ones column.
  • Homework 2 - Step two is to carry the one to the tens place and add the tens place.
  • Homework 3 - The last step is to carry the one and add the hundreds place.

Practice Worksheets

I sprinkled a few fun facts in here for you.

  • Practice 1 - Make sure to start with the ones place and add right to left.
  • Practice 2 - Anytime you get a number that is greater than 9, carry that extra digit into the next place value.
  • Practice 3 - If you are adding numbers with different place values pay attention to the numbers and place zeroes before you start in empty place.

Math Skill Quizzes

We stick to two integers and three integer sets. If you are looking for single integer sets, try the practice sheets.

  • Quiz 1 - It is best to keep a running tally as you add 3 or more numbers.
  • Quiz 2 - I find it best to cross out numbers that have already undergone operations.
  • Quiz 3 - When adding 3 or more single digit numbers. It is easiest to add even numbers first. If they are all even, add the smallest numbers first. This organizes it better for you.

Tips for Adding 3 Numbers Together

Problem Worked Out

When we are finding the sum of 3 numbers, it just adds a slight level of complexity to adding two 2 together. We follow the same approach; we are just dealing with larger values in each column. We add the lowest place value first and then progress to each subsequent place value. If a sum is 10 or greater, we carry that tens place value over to the next column. For example, add 52, 81, and 26 together.

Setup - We will position the addends into a vertical column addition matrix, as you see to the right. We label the ones, tens, and we are pretty sure we’ll need a hundreds column as well. Since we are adding, we can arrange them in any order, but I’ll just list them in the order they were presented to avoid any confusion.

Step 1) The first step is to add the ones column (2 + 1 + 6 = 9). Place the 9 at the bottom of that column.

Step 2) We now add the tens place (5 + 8 + 2 = 15). Since this value is greater than 10, the 1 would carry to the hundreds place. Since there are no digits in the hundreds place, the hundreds value would therefore become 1. So our final answer would be 151.

Adding 3 numbers can be a confusing task when there are negative integers in the mix as well. Thus, it is necessary that the kids understand which integer should be solved first, depending on the type of integer. To solve these integers swiftly, the following set of tips needs to be kept in mind.

Firstly, you need to learn which types of integers are present in a single question. For instance, 5 + (-6) + 3. In this equation, you can see that there are two positive integers and one negative integer. Thus, in such a scenario, you can add positive ones together and subtract the negative ones later.

In another scenario, if there are two negative integers and one positive integer. For instance, -4 + (-6) + 3, the negative integers will be subtracted first. Then, you can add the positive integer 3 to the answer.

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