Kindergarten Math Posters
These posters are great to use every week of the year. They are colorful and make for great visual inspiration in your Kindergarten classes. Posters are great to have available in different areas of your class. Many students hang them on their own walls at home to help them day in and day out. We would encourage you to discuss these with your classes before posting them on the walls of your classroom. This introduction brings life to the poster and establishes it as a part of the class culture rather than just background noise. If you get in the habit of doing this with your students, it will help your students focus on it. If you passively post them on the wall some students will benefit from it, but many introverted students will not even realize it is there.
Counting SkillsCounting to 100 - K.CC.A.1
- Bee Hive - A hundreds charts for you.
- Parrot's Cove - A similar chart, but it pairs it by the tens place value.
Counting Forward - K.CC.A.1
- 5 in Your Head - Keep 5 in your head. Say it loud and count on!
- Counting Forward From 3 - Cool strawberries.
Skip Counting by 2s - K.CC.A.2
- Monkey Hops - A nice bounce to it.
- Leaves of 2s - Shown starting at 2 and 1.
Skip Counting By 3s - K.CC.A.2
- Balloon Skips - Simple! Just go to the 3rd number.
- Bunny Hops - The bunny makes it real.
Counting Objects to 20 - K.CC.A.3
- Placing 20 Potted Plants In the Patio - Count by 5s to twenty.
- 20 Apples For the Pie - Just number the apples till 20.
Using Ordinal Numbers - K.CC.2, K.CC.4
- My Ordinal Numbers - Kids, come out of the water! In order please!
- The Pencil Race - We order the pencils.
Understanding Cardinal Numbers - K.CC.4
- Understanding Cardinal Numbers - Elephant is first. It is number 1 Giraffe is second. It is number 2 Lion is third. It is number 3 Zebra is fourth. It is number 4
- Cardinal Numbers - Onion is last. It is at number 7. So, there were 7 vegetables in the competition.
How Many There Are Present - K.CC.5
- How Many Ants Are There? - The last count is 6. So there are 6 ants!
- I Can Count and Tell How Many! - We work the numbers up.
Number Comparisons - K.CC.7
- Just Count! - Which is more or less?
- Number Comparisons - A do it with snails.
Naming Numbers - K.CC.7
- This Is How We Write Our Names - Number names.
- I Can Write the Number Names - From 1 to 20.
Comparing Numbers Up to 10 - K.CC.6, CC.7
- T-shirts With Big Numbers - 7, 9 and 10 are on the right hand side of 6 They are bigger!
- I Can Compare To Ten - I want to put all the T-shirts with numbers bigger than 6 on the black hanger and smaller than 6 on the red hanger.
Operation Skills
Adding and Subtracting Up to 5 - K.OA.1. , OA.5
- Gator Fives - Start at 3 and count up 2.
- Add and Subtract - 1 + 3 is same as 3 + 1.
Number Line Subtraction - K.OA.A.1
- Arrows and Number Lines - Show how to shoot around a number line.
- I Fly 10 Places - I fly 10 places. I fly 7 places. The difference is 10 - 7
Picture Subtraction - K.OA.A.1
- Froggy - Remove what you see here.
- Picture It! - How many are left?
Basic Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - K.OA.A.2
- Word Problems: Addition and Subtraction - Bob has 1 top. Andy has 3 tops. How many tops do they have altogether?
- Sum and Difference Word Problems - There were 4 cars in a parking lot. 3 more cars come in. How many cars are there altogether?
Decomposing Numbers Up To 20 - K.OA.3
- Decomposing Butterflies - Put these values together.
- Bunny Breakdown - How to put those values together.
Making The Number Ten - K.OA.4
- How Many More Bones? - How Many More Bones Do I Need To Make 10?
- Making a String of Beads - Let me see how many do I have.
Number Skills
Ones and Tens Place Value Blocks - K.NBT.A.1
- Ones and Tens Place Value - Every Digit has a place Value.
- Tens and Ones - I have 1tens and 0 ones (I'm Ten).
Number Line Addition - K.NBT.A.1
- Using Number Lines - Start at 0, Jump 6 places and then jump another 3. That's the answer!
- Bounce the Bee 5 Places - Move 3 places and then move 5 places.
Picture Addition - K.NBT.A.1
- Let Us Add - Pack all these guys together.
- Picturing Addition - This one is for the birds.
Measurement Skills
Describing Measurements - K.MD.A.1
- If Fruit and Time - Length, time, and weight.
- Longer, Taller, Bigger, Heavier, and Time - The bigger the number the taller/ longer the object.
Comparing Measures - K.MD.A.2
- Tallest and Weight Matches - I draw lines close to the houses and compare.
- School of Fish - The snake is longer than the worm.
Above and Below, Left and Right - K.MD.A.2
- All Directions - Little fish were swimming together and then comes a shark.
- Up In The Tree - The Old Owl is on the LEFT while the crow is on the RIGHT of the monkey.
Big and Small - K.MD.A.2
- Biggie Smalls - I am big while you are small.
- I'm Big, I'm Small - You have a BIGGER carrot than mine!
Who Weighs More or Less? - K.MD.A.2
- Who Weighs More or Less? - It's a zoo on here.
- Animal Weight Comparison - I weigh less than the bear I weigh more than the squirrel!
What Doesn't Belong? - K.MD.3
- Why the Apple? - Hey! Why did you take that apple out?
- The Bird Doesn't Belong - I am a bird. I don't belong here.
Classifying Objects into Groups - K.MD.3
- Object Groups - Let us make two teams. My team would be FOOD
- Two Groups - We can put these in TWO groups.
Geometry Skills
Relative Position - K.G.A.1
- Relative Position - The LION is BEHIND me. The BEAR is IN FRONT of me. The RABBIT is sitting UNDER me. The STORK is flying ABOVE me.
- Inside, Outside, Under, Beside - Put it all together.
Recognize Shapes - K.G.A.2, G.3
- Shape Me! - Give this some shape.
- Recognizing Shapes - Real world objects in there.
Analyzing Shapes - K.G.4, G.5, G.6
- Analyzing Shapes - CIRCLES and OVALS have No Sides and No Corners.
- My Toy Robot - Look at all those shapes!