Counting To 100 By Ones and Tens Worksheets
This is just another form of skip counting. The difference from 2s and 5s is that it is a much larger jump for students. This is an important step towards being ready to multiply numbers. We give them some training wheels, at this point, by limited it to 100. Before you progress your students to this level, they should have the skill of counting to 100 mastered and by good skip counters. I always have had success working having my students skip count by 2s, 4s, 5s, and then progress to this section. This section of worksheets and lessons will help students learn to count by both ones and tens to one hundred. It is important to learn to skip count both forwards and backwards. This will help them a great deal when learning to do more complex operations like multiplication and division.
Aligned Standard: Kindergarten - CC.1
- Step-by-Step Lesson- We walk you through filling in missing numbers in the matrix to 100. The second page focuses on counting by 10s.
- Guided Lesson Work - We give you three problems and ask you to complete the sequences.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - We tell you how to do all the work.
- Independent Practice Worksheet - We give you a basically blank matrix to 100. We then ask you to identify numbers in that matrix.
- Counting Train Cars By 10s - This is a fun one. Each train car can hold 10 people, you count the size of the train cars for us.
- Spaceship and Bubbles Worksheet - Count the spaceships by 10s and count all the bubbles that left Jerry's bath.
- Counting By 1s Puzzle- Fido has to navigate the maze to find his bone. Help him follow the counting path.
- How to Count With a 100s Chart- Learn how hundreds tables work. It is important to lay the foundation for times tables.
- Missing Hundreds Chart Worksheet- Fill in the missing parts of this chart.
- Missing Number Worksheet- We have a whole bunch of ten count sequences for you to work with.
- Number Sequencing- Finish all the counting sequences on the potatoes.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
- Count Backward Worksheet- A very interesting way to learn this skill. If you can do something forward and backward, you have mastered.
- Billy and the Stairs Worksheet- Help Billy work on his counting by counting the stairs in front of him.
- Advanced Counting Maze 1- Take 44 turns to get Nicki to her milk bottle.
- Moderate Counting Maze 2- Mr. Bunny will take 17 turns and hops to get to his carrot.
- Missing Hundreds Chart Worksheet- All the counts to 100 that have missing integers. Fill them up.
- Number Sequencing: Worksheet- Fill in the cotton candy and empty balloons.
- Sequence Puzzle- Rearrange the puzzle pieces to get them in order.
- Counting By 1s and 10s to 100- Quiz Form A- The quiz presents as an other worksheet to get them in a positive habit.
- Guided Lesson, Counting to 100 (By 1s and 10s)-Quiz Form B- This one is more a quiz format. Something kids hate, but administrators love.
- Missing Number Counts Worksheet- We start mid-sequence with these. This is for your more advanced student.
- Missing Number Count Sequence- These are a little more difficult than the previous worksheet.
How to Count by Tens
Counting by tens is perhaps one of the easiest tasks for adults, but kids in their early age can face certain difficulties getting a solid grasp on the matter. Counting by tens can be one of the easiest ways of counting in bigger jumps such by hundred or thousand values. Let's learn how to count by 10.
Using graphical or visual aid can significantly help in ensuring that this skill is made easy. For example, consider a bundle of 10 sticks bound together. This implies that one bundle will be equal to 10, two bundles will be 20 and so on. In just ten iterations we can easily count up to 100.
The best way to tackle this is to learn the concept of place value. Counting by 10s is the same thing as standard counting. The only difference is that we are focused on the 10s place. That value increases by 1 each time we move forward in the pattern. The first progress in teaching this should start with a counting to 100 charts. Have them produce this chart and then circle 1s, then 2s, then 5s, then 10s. You can also use a calculator as a visual aid.
The Transition from Counting by Ones to Skipping by Tens
You find this to be one of the easier transitions in this skill. You find that students can get it pretty quickly. When you first begin teaching this skill to students, it would make sense to think that the larger the value, the more difficult the work. With this particular skill, it is just not true. I have taught kindergarten for eight years, at first, I had the same presumption, but I can tell you with confidence that this is not a worry at all. The transition to skipping by 3s and 5s is much more difficult for my kids. It makes a great deal of sense since our entire numeracy system is centered around base ten units. I find one of the best strategies to use with students, that will serve them well later in the curriculum is use a 100s counting chart and leave the tens column blank. This way students do not lose the concepts of all the values that are still there, they just skipped them. This provides students with a much more concrete concept in their mind. I would highly recommend using 100s charts to practice all denominations of skipping. I have them for all the skips from one to ten laminated in my room. I make them a regular math center. You might find this technique helpful for your students.