Kindergarten Math Worksheets
You will see each standards letter and numerical listing below in order. We are also have awesome Kindergarten Math Posters for your classroom. We encourage all teachers to progress with Kindergarteners using the crawl-walk-run model. Crawl -start with the must basic of concepts or skills. This is almost always a teacher-led activity or portion of the lesson. Walk- Students will start to take that skill to the next level. This is where teachers guide them to become more independent with the skill or concept. Run- This is where students are working completely independently and practicing what they learned.
- Counting to 100 (CC.1) -The absolute best way to getting better at this is simply practice, practice, and more practice! Did we mention practice?
- Counting Forward (CC.2) -This is the natural progression, but it is often overlooked. Number lines come in really handy here.
- Skip Counting By 2s (K.CC.A.2) -I really like to make sure students are comfortable counting to 30 before I help them make this progression.
- Skip Counting By 3s (K.CC.A.2) -Naturally we advance just a little more ahead.
- Counting Objects to 20 (CC.3) -Start with objects and then replace them with numerals or integers.
- Ordinal Numbers (K.CC.2, K.CC.4) -Understand how to order things and explain the order is the first step towards learning how to sort items.
- Understanding Cardinal Numbers (CC.4) -Cardinal numbers tell us the quantity of something.
- Counting How Many There Are Present (CC.5) -This is very similar to counting, but in this case students are tasked with taking the temperature of the room.
- Number Comparisons (CC.7) -This is where students actually begin to attribute value towards integers.
- Naming Numbers (K.CC.7) -Just recognizing numbers is the first step in this process.
- Comparing Numbers Up to 10 (CC.6, CC.7) -This is where the skill of greater than, less than, equal arise from.
- Add and Subtraction to 5 (OA.1. , OA.5) -The plus and the minuses will get them going up and down on the number line.
- Number Line Subtraction (K.OA.A.1) -This provides a great way to see what is physically happen when you take something away.
- Picture Subtraction (K.OA.A.1) -Using images in math really helps students understand concepts better. When performing subtraction it is often helpful to have students cross out what is being taken away.
- Basic Addition and Subtraction Word Problems (OA.2) -We now start to show students how math can come from a Language Arts form.
- Decomposing Numbers Up To 20 (OA.3) -To decompose is to breakdown or remove from something. The smaller portion of a subtraction operation.
- Making The Number Ten (OA.4) -We get very creative here and find a wide array of hoops to jump through to complete this goal.
- Ones and Tens Place Value Blocks (NBT.1) -It is often helpful to pivot to this after picture math. This will start students down the path of understanding and using the concept of place value.
- Number Line Addition (K.NBT.A.1) -This always seems to move to the right, that is what addition is.
- Picture Addition (K.NBT.A.1) -We start to form the concept of grouping to form a total value.
- Describing Measurements (MD.1) -This takes the stance that we need to relate measure to everyday things. This helps the students adapt to the process much quicker.
- Comparing Measures (Length and Weight) (MD.2) -These worksheets focus on how to compare measures that are within the same measurement system and cross system measures.
- Above and Below, Left and Right (K.MD.A.2) -Students learn how to express the basic position words.
- Big and Small (K.MD.A.2) -We compare two images. In some cases you need to read into it a bit.
- Who Weighs More or Less? (K.MD.A.2) -It is too early to bring in the concept of mass, so we focus on the concept over heavier or lighter.
- What Doesn't Belong? (K.MD.A.3) -This is a starter skill for sorting and grouping.
- Classifying Objects into Groups (MD.3) -We have students identify likenesses and group things that have similar qualities.
- Relative Position (G.1) -Where is an object based on another object? This is the concept explored in these worksheets.
- Recognize Shapes (G.2, G.3) -Students name a pick out the names of various shapes.
- Analyzing Shapes (G.4, G.5, G.6) -Students learn the concept of sides, corners, and edges. This is where primary geometry skills begin.
What Do Students Learn in Kindergarten?

In kindergarten, the math curriculum is focused on the basics. Children start with exploring, counting, experimenting, sorting, and explaining. To make learning fun and easier for children, manipulatives are used. Manipulative is anything that a child uses to count or handles to learn the mathematical concepts in a better way. below we have discussed the four major math concepts that are taught in kindergarten.
Counting - In kindergarten, the curriculum is focused on polishing the number sense. Children start with counting, writing number names, and written numerals. Students learn to count objects and compare different sets of objects. There are some important benchmarks here. I would suggest helping students understand the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers. This is also where they learn to compare values. I would suggest that you use hands on manipulative for all of these skills before you start to use worksheets. They should serve to help you reinforce these skills.
Operations - This is the very early stage of addition and subtraction. The focus is on making students understand that addition is putting things together and subtraction as taking things away from a group. Students are not asked to write the sums or equation at this stage. The focus is on composing values and decomposing them. In a way we are preparing them for basic algebra skills, but simply not framing our questions in that fashion just yet. We also help them understand the concept of place value at the ones and tens places.
Measurement - Children learn to compare things and classify them according to their sizes and colors. Students are also asked to group things. Understanding the concept of position and being able to describe the location of items is covered in depth. We also introduce the concept of units of measure through the attributes of objects such as their mass or length.
Geometry - Children learn to compare two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects. In this way, they gain familiarity with different shapes. They are encouraged to use appropriate language to classify and identify the shapes or objects. This is a critical aspect, even though it one of the shorter units.