Thanksgiving Math Worksheets
Why Do We Celebrate Thanksgiving? There are many celebrations and holidays that are celebrated around the year in the US. But there is nothing more American than the Thanksgiving holiday! We celebrate it each year but have you given a thought as to why we do? Let's get a clearer of the holiday together! Thanksgiving is a federal holiday that is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving holiday is being celebrated annually on and off since 1789. Thanksgiving day is celebrated for the harvest and blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving was first observed in 1621 on a harvest feast that was shared by the English Colonists of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people. In the United States, there are lots of traditions followed on Thanksgiving day. People gather together and share meals together. A typical meal comprises turkey, bread stuffing, potatoes, cranberries and pumpkin pies. A thanksgiving day parade is also held every year in remembrance of the Thanksgiving celebrations. The last Thursday of every November is time to give thanks for all that we have. My husband and son just think all day football and turkey. I think about all day cooking, cleaning, and just when I'm ready to sleep; hours of dishes.
Themed Math Worksheets Sorted By Skill
- Decomposing Numbers (K.OA.3) - An example problem would be: which choice makes 12?
- Organizing and Understanding Data (1.MD.4) - Pilgrims and Indians had a feast together to celebrate Thanksgiving. The following diagram shows how many Pilgrims and Indians came to the feast.
- Thanksgiving Sums and Differences (2.NBT.7) - The number of people at the Thanksgiving Banquet keeps changing as people come or leave in groups of 10. Complete the math problems below to calculate the correct number of people at any given time.
- Long Division (4.NBT.6) - Solve each problem and complete long division problem within each grid.
- Thankful Decimals in Expanded Form (5.NBT.3) - Thanksgiving is a time for giving thanks for the good things in our life. Below is a list of good things that some people are thankful for.
- Combining Like Terms Worksheet (6.EE.A.4 ) - Simplify each problem by combining like terms.
- Consumer Math - Deposit Slips (Grade 8) - Calculate the subtotal and total for each deposit slip.
Core Aligned and Leveled Collection
- Ordinal Numbers (K.CC.2, K.CC.4) - Draw a circle around the third turkey.
- Picture Subtraction (K.OA.A.1) - Look at each set of pictures. Write and solve each subtraction equation.
Grade 1
- Turkey Day Word Problems (1.OA.2 and 1.OA.3) - Thanksgiving is a unique American holiday where we gather our friends and family and give thanks for all of the good things that make us happy and keep us healthy.
- Number Comparisons (1.NBT.3) - Which group has more pumpkins?
- Unknown Numbers in Sums (1.OA.8) - Pamela made 12 Thanksgiving wreaths. She gave some of the wreaths to her friends. Now, Pamela has 3 wreaths. How many wreaths did Pamela give away to her friends?
- Horizontal Addition (1.OA.6) - Read each problem on the left then draw a line to the answer on the right.
- Compare Two-Digit Numbers (1.NBT.3) - Look at each set of numbers, and then write >, < or = on the line provided.
Grade 2
- Mixed Skip Counting (2.NBT.A.2 ) - Look at each set of numbers. Skip count to fill in the missing numbers.
- Three-Digit Addition (2.NBT.B.7 ) - Solve each problem to find the missing numbers.
Grade 3
- Arithmetic Patterns and Systems (3.OA.9) - Look at each set of data, and then follow the arithmetic rule to complete each chart. These are setup like function table problems. This will help you learn to reverse engineer these types of problems.
- Minutes to An Event(3.MD.A.1) - Look at each clock, read the problem, and then write the correct time on the line provided.
- Tally Charts (3.MD.B.3) - After eating a big feast on Thanksgiving Day, some families played sports.
- Basic Order of Operations (3.OA.D.8) - Solve each problem and write your answer in the box on top of the pilgrim hat.
Grade 4
- Multiplication Two-Digit (In Grid) (4.NBT.B.5) - Solve each problem and complete each grid.
Grade 5
- Fractions to Mixed Numbers (5.NF.6) - Change each fraction to a mixed number.
- Simple Expressions that Record Calculations (5.OA.2) - Write each of the following equations as an expression.
- Compare Two Decimals to Thousandths (5.NBT.3) - Compare the following decimals. Write >, <, or = on the line provided.
- Decimal Multiplication Worksheet (5.NBT.7) - Solve each problem and be sure to show your work.
Grade 6
- Mean, Median, Mode and Range (6.SP.B.5c) - Look at each set of numbers, and then find the mean, median, mode, and range for each set. The sets vary in length from six pieces of data to ten.
- Single Step Algebra Worksheet (6.EE.B.7) - Solve each problem and write your answer on the line provided.
- Long Division of Long Numbers (6.NS.B.2) - Solve each problem, and be sure to show your work for each problem.
Grade 7
- Products of Mixed Numbers (7.NS.A.2a) - Solve each problem. Simply your answer and write it as a proper fraction, whole number, or mixed number.
- Creating Reciprocals Worksheet (7.NS.A.2a) - Calculate the reciprocal for each of the following fractions, whole numbers, or mixed numbers. You will use a wide range of operations to solve these guys.
- Thanksgiving Word Problems (7.RP.A.3) - Everyone loves to eat during Thanksgiving dinner. Solve the problems below to find out exactly how much each person ate.
Grade 8
- Business Math - Writing Checks For Turkeys (Grade 8) - Phillip made the following Thanksgiving purchases. Write the checks for Phillip and sign his name.
- Congruent Shapes (8.GA.2) - Write a C on the line if the shapes are congruent, and write NC if the shapes are not congruent.
- Business Math Check Registers (Grade 8) - The check register above is for Matt Brown. How much did Matt spend at Cabelas?
Thanksgiving Math Activities for Your Class

This is one of those great holidays that simply requires you to refer back to a general concept. Of course, you could use worksheets like those that you see above to add an element of fun to the skills you were already working on. It is also a great time to review and have students put skills they have mastered to good use. Word problems are always a huge hit at this time of year, so are activities that involve the use of homemade pies, pumpkins, or turkeys. It is also cheated and about 6 months early, but you can also include a number of activities that involve Pi (π). Here are a few ideas of things that our staff has done with our students that target this theme. We only highlight the things that we found tremendously successful.
Thanksgiving Day Meal Boxes - We have students work in groups and they create boxes of premade meals that they would sell to replace a typical family Thanksgiving dinner. It depends how advanced you want to get with this. Depending on where your students are you have many different choices here. They could calculate their costs, how those change if they buy in volume, what they would sell it for, and the margin that they come away with. This can be a ton of fun and we even put it in motion one year and raised several hundred dollars for a local charity.

Floorplan for Dinner You can have students create an entire floor plan on a grid style matrix. Do you remember how brides determine who sits next to who and who cannot sit next to who? Students do not need to be that intricate, but you can give them a number of people and tables that are available, and they can arrange a floor plan for everything. This works on many concept that they will see in geometry and the spatial concepts are great for them. You can also play around and assign them all types of different variables such as different table shapes, room dimensions, or even seating children separately from adults. You can see a plotting of a table seating to the right.