Place Value: Understanding How to Round Decimals Worksheets
How to Round Decimals - Rounding off numbers is used when you want to adjust digits in order to make rough calculations easier. However, the result will be an estimated number instead of a precise one. However, there are few rules to keep in mind when you are rounding off decimal values. - If the digit after the one you want to round off is 5 or above, then the rounding off number increases by 1. - If the digit after the one you want to round off is less than 5, then the rounding off number remains the same. Let's explain this further with an example. Suppose you got an exam percentage of 85.64%, and you want to round it off to the nearest whole number. What will you need to do? Look at the decimal number, the last digit is 4, which is less than 5. That means, if rounded off, then 6 will stay the same. Now the number remains is 85.6. To roundoff it, we can see that it is greater than 5, which means the digit on its left will increase by 1. Your exam percentage is 86% now.
Aligned Standard: Grade 5 Base Ten - 5.NBT.4
- Rounding to Thousandths Step-by-step Lesson- We give you a large - small decimal, if that makes any sense.
- Guided Lesson - A rounding work out. Round to the nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth, and thousandth.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - I really got to know my place, if you know what I mean.
- Practice Worksheet - A real fun series of problems that captures the root of this skill.
- Matching Worksheet - An awesome round up of decimal rounding problems.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
If you just remember the simple key that we point out in the example, you should be set.
- Homework 1 - What is 5.267 rounded to the nearest tenths place?
- Homework 2 - What is 5.1214 rounded to the nearest hundredths' place?
- Homework 3 - Rounding values to the nearest tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
Practice Worksheets
I like to have students underline the place value that the problem is asking for.
- Practice 1 - Round away!
- Practice 2 - Leave your mark on these.
- Practice 3 - Remember that five or greater goes up, any less and it goes down.
Math Skill Quizzes
A quick outline of every problem never hurts either.
- Quiz 1 - Step 1. Find the place value in question.
- Quiz 2 - Step 2. Evaluate one place value lower than the place value in question.
- Quiz 3 - Step 3. If that value is 5 or greater, round the value in question up. Otherwise, round that number down.