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Multiplying Mixed Numbers Word Problems Worksheets

The story-based problems that you will find in this section include a wide range of exercise that will require you to multiply either whole numbers, fraction, or mixed numbers with a mixed number value. The best way to approach these problems is to diagram out how you will go about solving these types of problems. Start with which variables need to be manipulated to get to where you want. Once you have your steps thought out, then it is time to work on the calculations. Remember that when you are multiplying mixed numbers with each other, get everything in the same improper fraction and find a common denominator. This will start you off in the right direction. This collection of worksheets and lessons show you how to find the value of multiplying fractions and mixed numbers together.

Aligned Standard: Grade 5 Fractions - 5.NF.6

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

I got a little carried away with the electronics in these problems. I have been pondering my next mobile phone. Is it obvious?

  • Homework 1 - Jenifer made tomato sauce and tomato soup. She made enough tomato sauce to fill 8 bottles. If she made 3/4 as much tomato soup as tomato sauce, how many bottles of tomato soup did she make?
  • Homework 2 - There are 24 hours in a day and James should work for 1/3 of the day. How much time does he spend working?
  • Homework 3 - Jake went to Cafe Coffee Day with his 4 friends. Everyone ordered 4/5 a cup of cappuccino. How many cups of cappuccino did they order in total?

Practice Worksheets

Almost all of these problems were based on my own life experience. My husband chipped in too.

  • Practice 1 - Andy and Sandy are participating in a 10 km bicycle race. After 5 minutes, Andy covers 2/3 of the distance, and Sandy covers 3/4 of the distance. Find the distance covered by both.
  • Practice 2 - Kat made tea for her guests. She will need 2/5 of a cup of tea for 10 people. How much tea will she want to make for her guests?
  • Practice 3 - Out of 105 students, 2/7 take Science, 3/7 take Art and 2/7 take Commerce. Find the number of students in each class.

Math Skill Quizzes

I only was able to fit eight problems on a page, so the scoring key suffered a bit.

  • Quiz 1 - At a fuel station the consumption of fuel is 24,997 gallons. Of the total fuel, 2/7 was consumed by bikes and 4/7 was consumed by cars, and the remaining was consumed by other vehicles. Find the amount of fuel consumed by each.
  • Quiz 2 - Luke wants to make French fries for 10 people. He needs 15 potatoes. He has only 3/5 of the potatoes he needs. Find the number of potatoes he still needs.
  • Quiz 3 - Sandy rides her motor bike at a speed of 150 km/h. Her brother is riding at 7/8 of her speed. Find the speed of Sandy’s brother.

Keywords That Indicate Multiplication in Word Problems

The way to go about a word problem is to first read it thoroughly a few times. This is the most crucial part to solving a mathematical word problem as it requires you to understand the language that is used and asks you to convert it into a meaningful mathematics problem.

There are keywords that you could spot in the language that would play an important role in hinting at the mathematical operation required to carry out. Are you finding it hard to identify keywords that indicate that multiplication is required? There are several telltale words and phrases that indicate that you will need to find a product to solve these problems. The most commonly used words I find include the concept of the multiplication operation or scaling some of those words and phrases include: double, triple, quadruple, multiple, product, and times.

There are also some words that are very common in the English language and are often overlooked as being an indicator of multiplying. These phrases and words include: as much, by, each, equal groups, lots of, in all.

Some of these phrases are more forward with their intention to insight multiplying. These words and phrases tend to be a bit more blatant in their approach to indicating that you will need to use this operation in your calculation the most common I come across are: area, factor, multiple, multiplied by, per, percent of ___, fraction of ____.

A good habit to get into to solve these types of word problems is to mark the words; underline or circle them and then connect with the other expressions or numbers in the word problem. Once you get good at spotting these terms and phrases, solving these types of problems will be easier.

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I would appreciate everyone letting me know if you find any errors. I'm getting a little older these days and my eyes are going. Please contact me, to let me know. I'll fix it ASAP.