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Fractions of Whole Numbers Word Problems Worksheets

These types of story-based problems are a bit abstract. They will often require several rereads to make sure that you best understand how to approach them. We should also note that students have varying degrees of comfort with multiplying fractions and whole numbers. Many students will still be converting whole numbers to fractions before they proceed. More advanced students will just multiply the whole digit by the numerator. Remind students to focus on understanding what is the problem is looking for before they perform any operations. We also encourage teachers to help students learn how to outline their approaches to these types of exercises. These worksheets and lessons help students learn to find the value of multiplication problems between whole numbers and fractions.

Aligned Standard: Grade 4 Fractions - 4.NF.4

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Homework Sheets

There is a lot of debate on the units used in question four of homework 1. I use an abbreviation for milliliters (plural "mls"). I use this because it has appeared on several national tests, even though two college chemistry professors keep telling me it's incorrect.

  • Homework 1 - Bryan asked for 12 liters of fuel to fill his car at the fuel station. He used 4/6 of the fuel to drive to a picnic. How many liters of fuel are left in his car?
  • Homework 2 - An integer can be considered to be a fraction with a denominator of 1.
  • Homework 3 - Therefore when a fraction is multiplied by an integer the numerator of the fraction is multiplied by the integer.

Practice Worksheets

I get a lot of attention for the shirt picture. I didn't draw this one, but I thank you for taking notice of this.

  • Practice 1 - Lily has 800 grams of coffee powder. She gave 3/4 of the coffee powder to her neighbor. How much total coffee powder does she have left?
  • Practice 2 - Emma has a coupon for 1/2 off the price of jewelry. She bought $248 worth of jewelry. How much does she have to pay for the jewelry after using the coupon?
  • Practice 3 - Maya has 15 hours to herself. She spent 1/3 of this time on teaching her younger brother math. How much time does she have left ?

Math Skill Quizzes

I go off on a little related tangent with quiz 1 and a 3! It's a nice break with a related skill set.

  • Visual Quiz 1 - Solve the fraction.
  • Quiz 2 - Jesse has a coupon for 4/15 off the price of a car. He brought a car for $9,615. How much does he have to pay for the car after using the coupon?
  • Visual Quiz 3 - This is quiz one with an additional operation to complete.

How to Determine What a Word Problem Is Asking from You

Just the name "word problems" can scare the kids away. The majority of kids face significant challenges when it comes to solving word problems. Whether its addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, it takes time for kids to grasp the concept and get fluent in solving word problems. so, how to determine what a word problem is asking you?

When Does a Word Problem Require Addition? - The commonly used basic arithmetic operation in mathematics is addition, but kids might even find addition word problems very difficult to solve as they fail to identify exactly what the problem is asking. When a word problem talks about combining items into a group, making things larger, or finding the total amount, it is an indication that it is an addition word problem.

When Does a Word Problem Require Subtraction? - When a word problem is asking to use the subtraction operation it might point towards comparison of two numbers, asks about how far apart are two quantities, or asks about removing from a total.

When Does a Word Problem Require Multiplication? - Multiplication problems are a little complex as compared to addition and subtraction problems. There are several different instances which require you to use multiplication. When a word problem requires repeated addition, or asks to multiply by a factor to make it larger, and finding the area of geometric shapes.

When Does a Word Problem Require Division? - A word problem that requires division of a larger quantity into smaller parts is a division word problem. Whenever you are asked to partition a quantity, you will have to use division.

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