Telling Time from Analog and Digital Clocks Worksheets
These worksheets help students learn to read both analog and digital clocks. What Is the Difference Between Analog and Digital Clocks? You might have heard; time is the most precious thing you have in this world. Also, it doesn't wait for anybody. Therefore, each one of us needs to keep track of time. However, the fun part about this concept is that you can view it on two different types of clocks. One is Analog, and the other is a digital clock. Both these types of clocks are used to read the time. But there is a difference between the them. If you didn't know about it, let's find it out: Analog Clock: An Analog clock uses circuits in which voltage or current flow variable at a continuous rate. An analog clock features hands, known as clock hands, that represents the time. These clock hands spin around the dial and point to a number as time passes by, which represents the approximate time of the day. Digital Clock: In a digital clock, quantities are counted rather than measured. And when you count something, you get the exact results. A digital clock tells you the exact time. It saves you the hassle of figuring which clock hand is on which number.
Aligned Standard: Grade 2 Measurement - 2.MD.7
- Step-by-step Lesson- You tell us if the time of day is A.M. or P.M. this is all based on the activities of a young boy.
- Guided Lesson - Find what is missing and then go to town on the A.M. / P.M. game again.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - I like to explain this with the general statement about noon versus midnight.
- Practice Worksheet - Draw the hands on the analog clocks and the times on the digital clocks. I know the digital clock problems are a joke, but we have seen them on standard tests.
- Matching Worksheet - Match the value on the clock to the time of day.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Homework Sheets
We setup a time and give you scenario of references to help you lock down an exact time.
- Homework 1- Write the missing value from the clock by using a.m and p.m according to Anthony's activity.
- Homework 2- Write what ever is missing on all of these problems.
- Homework 3- Alan wants to go to school at seven-forty in the morning and play baseball with his friends at five-thirty-four in the evening. Write the time in numbers with a.m and p.m for going to school and playing ball.
Practice Worksheets
We give you a time pattern and you tell us what time is missing.
- Practice 1- Find the final value of the following problem.
- Practice 2- You will first spot a pattern and then need to determine what should be displayed.
- Practice 3- Write a.m and p.m. based on the descriptions of the situation.
Math Skill Quizzes
1 and 3 - Drop in an AM or PM. 2 - Time intervals find the missing time.
- Quiz 1- This is an a.m. or p.m. type of worksheet.
- Quiz 2- All the clocks are in fixed intervals. See if you can read all of them.
- Quiz 3- Jack goes to the play ground at six-thirty in the morning and the goes to class with his friend at five- twenty-two in the evening. Write the times in numbers with a.m and p.m.
How To Read These Clocks
Analog clocks traditionally have two or three hands. Two hand versions consist of an hour and minute hand. The hour is indicated by shorter of the two and minutes are tracked by the longer hand. On the three handed version another hand that moves fast is present to indicate seconds. The seconds hand often looks drastically different in composition than the other two hands. It also moves around very fast. Example found to the right.
Digital clocks are a little easier to read because they spell out the numbers for you with little for you to interpret. They traditionally neglect to indicate or track seconds. As the diagram displays the first number (from the left) indicates the hour. A colon appears to separate hours and minutes. The remain number (to the right) indicates minutes. Example found below.
Why Do We Still Use Analog Clocks?
The analog version is more complicated, clumsier, and even the best time tellers need to give a pause when determine the time of day. Why would we continue to teach future generations how to read this device? It seems like we are just complicating things for them and ourselves. That is a very valid question, but there is a deeper reason that we as humans should be not only stick with this technique but embrace it. Understanding the concept of a passage in time is very difficult to grasp with a digital clock, the analogy version (especially with a second hand) makes kids more aware of this movement in of the moment. Analog gauges are used in many different products and vehicles as the standard. That is because they allow you to detect change in any condition easier than just a simple reading. It is important to have students begin on the analogy version to allow them to naturally understand these gauges that they may need for their occupations of the future.