Telling Time To Hour and Half Hour Worksheets
In first grade we often begin to help students understand how to tell time. The first thing you should do is make sure that students can easily count from 0 to 60. I forgot this step early in my career and then came to find out the hard way when I worked with students that were struggling. The next step in time telling is making sure students can skip count by fives to 60. Once you are sure all students have this mastered, move on to the concept of half. Start with half of two and build up to half of 60. After we have made sure students are all at this base level, we are ready to present them with an analog clock and teach them the anatomy of the minute and hour hand. Start by identifying hours vs. half hours which is entirely dependent on the position of the minute hand. I always tell them the minute hand must be due North for an hour and due South for a half hour. These worksheets focus on telling time on analog clocks with the minute on the half-hour or hour mark only.
Aligned Standard: Grade 1 Measurement - 1.MD.3
- Digital and Analog Clocks Step-by-step Lesson- Learn how to tell hours and half hours on these different types of clocks.
- Telling Time To Hours and Half Hours Guided Lesson - You get to both tell the time and draw hands on the clocks.
- Guided Lesson Explanation - The overview might be a bit much. We will be having a visual marker available to you soon.
- What Hour and Half Hour Is It? - You can practice telling time. We mixed it up a bit with the format that students are presented with.
- Matching Clocks and Time - Match the clock to your time. We use traditional slang for the labelling of the time.
- Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.
Guided Lessons
The visuals I came away with here should really help you see the movement of the clocks.
- Guided Lesson 1 - You'll see both analog and digital clocks in this one.
- Guided Lesson 2 - Now I have completely removed the hands and digits from those clocks.
- The Analog Clock Guided Lesson 3 - Here is a nice and big diagram for you.
- Step-by-step Lesson 1 - We point out all the hands and clearly label them.
- Digital Clocks Step-by-step Lesson 2 - The absolute best thing about retirement is that I don't have to see this first thing when I wake up any more.
Practice Worksheets
These worksheets work towards higher levels bouncing off of this skill.
- Find the Hour Worksheet - They are all o'clocks in a matter of speaking. You should be focused on the little hand to help you solve these.
- Find the Time Independent Practice Worksheet 1 - Half and half on the type of clock used. A good way to get students in the habit of using both forms.
- Independent Practice Worksheet 2- More practice on the same skill. Practice makes perfect.
- Matching Worksheet - Find the time that matches the clock. Again, multiple formats are used.
What Do the Hands of an Analog Clock Tell You?

Learning to read an analog clock is one of the biggest challenges for many kids. Young minds get confused when they see three different clock hands. It might get very overwhelming for many children. Instead of handing students digital watches and adding convenience in their lives, it is better to teach students to read an analog watch as it will create problems for them in the future. For many walks of life analog time telling is still very essential for many forms of business throughout the world.
Students often get confused as analog clocks come in a variety of different shapes. The first thing to understand is that the number division on all clocks is the same, whether it is a circle, triangle, or square. Each of these clocks has two hands (in some cases three), and together these hands tell the time. Analog clocks track the time of day based on the traditional 12-hour system. This system breaks a day into 2- 12-hour periods (a.m. and p.m.) The two hands are composed of different lengths, and each of these hands tracks a different data point. The alternative timing system is called military time and it tracks each hour of the day.
On two-handed clocks, the shortest hand of the clock is the hour-hand, and it marks the hour. Whichever number it points at is the hour of the day. The hand longer than the hour-hand tells the minutes. The number it points at when multiplied by five gives the minutes past the hour. When this hand points at 12, it completes an hour.
Some clocks have a third, much thinner, hand that system to move quickly around. This tracks the number of seconds as that hand is moving to all 60 slots every minute. You will find that this is more common on wrist watches, but many traditional classroom clocks may have this hand present as well.