First Grade Math Posters

These printables are great to hang around your room on the weeks that you are working on these concepts. You will want to waste the color ink on these posters. Make sure to turn on your "Background Printing" to get all the color that these come with. You are only printing 2 a week. Make sure to laminate them, so you can use them every year! They are listed by the curriculum standards, but can be ordered in way you so choose. We took our time to make sure that the posters are both educational and engaging for students. The goal with the font choices was to focus on making them more readable. It not only helps you create a more pleasing environment for your students, but also helps you reinforce the things you are working on with them. There are two other types of posters we encourage you to hang in your first-grade classrooms. It would begin with motivational quotes, but make sure to change them regularly. We would also urge you to post a set of classroom rules that everyone is accountable to uphold including the teacher.
Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - OA.1
- Albert's Donkeys and Cows- If Albert puts three cows and two donkeys together, how many animals will he have?
- Jacob's Apple Clocks- Jacob has two clocks. He buys two more clocks, how many clocks does he have now?
Single Digit Subtraction - 1.OA.A.1
- Roses Subtraction- Subtract the two numbers.
- Beachball Subtraction- Beach balls and Telotubbies.
Simple Subtraction Word Problems- 1.OA.A.1
- Jack's Corn- Sam has five trucks. He loads one truck and sends it to the market. How many trucks does he have left?
- Subtract Skateboards- A shopkeeper had seven skateboards. He sold three skateboards. How many skateboards does he have now?
Addition Word Problems- 1.OA.2
- Sophia's Magnifying Glasses- Sophia has nine magnifying glasses. Her friend gives her eight more. How many magnifying glasses does she have now?
- Alan's Crayons- A shopkeeper sold eleven crayons to Alan and five crayons to Gamma. How many crayons did the shopkeeper sell?
Simple Addition Word Problems - 1.OA.A.2
- Diana's Baskets of Apples- Diana has two baskets of apples in her hands. There are 8 apples in his right hand basket and 7 apples in her left hand basket. How many apples does she have in total?
- Jackson's Fish- Jackson collects 11 fish. Jackson's mother gave Jackson 5 more fish. How many fish does Jackson have?
Properties of Operations as Strategies - 1.OA.3
- Commutative Property of Addition- Add the pictures according to the commutative property of addition.
- The Associative Property- Rewrite the expression (2 + 9) + 5 using the associative property.
- Oliver's Grape Baskets- Oliver has 7 kgs. of grapes. His fruit basket has a capacity of 12 kgs. How many kgs of grapes are needed to fill the basket?
- Juliana Loves Pudding- Juliana has a few puddings. Mr. Jake gave her 6 more. Now she has 10 puddings. How many puddings did Juliana have in the beginning?
- Addition Operations- Find the missing operation symbol that would make this equation true.
- Complete the Operation- Find the missing operation symbol that would make this equation true.
- Starting From 8...- Add by 2 to reach 20 from the starting number 8.
- Complete the Sequence- In this case, we have to subtract the number on the left from the number on the right.
- How Do You Make 20?- Add 2 numbers to make 20. Choose a number smaller than 20 and go from there. We chose 15.
- Adding Flowers, Subtract Teddies- Add or Subtract Pictures.
- Jonny's Dog Bones - Jonny the dog has 5 bones. He sees 4 more bones and collects them. How many bones does Jonny have now?
- Addition Math Facts- Rapid Fire Horizontal Addition Math Fact
- Elizabeth's Lollipops- Elizabeth had 5 lollipops. She gave 3 lollipops to her friend. How many lollipops does Elizabeth have now?
- Subtraction Math Facts- Rapid Fire Horizontal Subtraction Math Facts
- Starting with...- Understand what is being asked. The addition sign tells us that we count up by the other number in this problem.
- Straight Facts- Rapid Fire Vertical Addition Math Facts
- Symbols With Numbers Lines- In this case, the subtraction symbol tells us that we need to take 7 away from 10. Take away is the same thing as counting backwards from the starting number.
- The Final Countdown- Write each subtraction problem as a countdown.
- Are They Correct?- If the problems below are correct, put a circle around them. If the problems are not correct cross them out.
- Missing Operations- Which sign is missing? Write + or – in the blank to make sure that the left hand side is equal to right hand side.
- Jordon's Pencils- Jordon bought 7 pencils. His friend David came along and took some pencils. Now he has 3 pencils left. How many pencils did David take?
- Dan's Brother Eats His Apples- Daniel bought 8 apples. His brother ate 2 apples. Daniel is left with how many apples?
- Count Bees- Count bees starting from beginning to the end. Write the count, as you go across, at end of each row.
- Eggs and Eagles Count- We will follow our row counting method. We will count from left to right.
- Two Digit Places- Understanding the value of the digits of a two-digit number.
- 10s and 1s Places- What number would make number sentence correct? 15 = 10 + ____
- Comparing Symbols- Compare the following numbers using the symbols >, <, or =.
- Complete the Statement- Which words make this statement complete?
- Simply Add- Add all the numbers.
- Starting Number- Count up the number of places of the second number. The number that you end on is the total.
- Carrying To The Tens- Add the numbers at the ones place. If the result is more than 9, carry over the digit to tens place.
- Double Digits- Count each row, write the number, and then add.
- Ten More Please- Write the number that is ten less than the number given.
- Draw The Lemons- Draw 10 more lemons on the second tree and write the number.
- Burgers For Addison and Sofia- Addison and Sofia are eating burgers. If Addison eats 15 and Sofia eats 21, how many burgers will they eat all together?
- Devin and Harrison's Cones- Devin and Harrison wants to make 35 ice cream cones for the New Year’s party. They make 25 ice cream cones in the evening. How many ice cream cones do they need to have enough cones for the party?
- Height of Three Animals- Compare the height of the three animals below. Place an "A" under the tallest animal. Place a "C" under the smallest animal. Put a "B" under the one that is not the tallest or smallest.
- Random Big Small- Compare the height of the three objects below.
- Oscar's Basket Length- Oscar has a basket. He does not know the length of basket. He wants to know the length of basket? Use the units of boxes to determine the length of the basket.
- George's Tree- George wants to know the height of the tree. How many units long is the tree?
- Both Types of Clocks- Tell the time on both of the clocks.
- Tell the Time- On digital clocks, the left side shows hours and the right side shows minutes. Put 6 on the left side, as it shows that 6 hours have completed.
- Carter, Andrew, and Anthony's Lollipops- Carter, Andrew, and Anthony brought lollipops. The diagram below shows the number of lollipops that they have purchased.
- Parker's Garden- Parker was counting fruits in the garden. He counted apples, bananas and grapes. The diagram below shows the number of fruits in the garden.
- What Shape Is It?- Name each shape.
- Where's The Rectangle- Color the correct shape.
- Shape Slices- Write the number on the pieces below that fits into the shapes above.
- What Fits?- Write the number on the pieces below that fit into the shapes above.
- Equal Halves- Which figure shows halves?
- Broken Parts- The shape below has been broken into parts. Label the shape as being broken into quarters or halves.
Subtraction and Unknown Addends (to 20) - 1.OA.4
Missing Operations- 1.OA.B.4
Relate Counting to Addition and Subtraction - 1.OA.B.5
Adding and Subtracting Within 20 - 1.OA.C.6
Horizontal Addition Math Facts - 1.OA.C.6
Horizontal Subtraction Math Facts - 1.OA.C.6
Vertical Addition Math Facts - 1.OA.C.6
Vertical Subtraction Math Facts - 1.OA.C.6
Working With Equals Signs - 1.OA.C.7
Unknown Numbers in Sums and Differences - 1.OA.8
Numbers and Base Ten
Counting (Up to 120) - 1.NBT.1
One and Tens Place Values - 1.NBT.2
Compare Two-Digit Numbers - 1.NBT.3
Single Digit Addition - 1.NBT.C.4
Addition of Numbers (Under 100) - 1.NBT.4
Ten More Or Ten Less - 1.NBT.5
Visual Sum and Difference Word Problems - 1.NBT.6
Measurement and Data
Indirect Length Word Problems - 1.MD.1
Length Word Problems In Units - 1.MD.2
Hours and Half Hours of Time - 1.MD.3
Organizing and Understanding Data - 1.MD.4
Geometry Skills
Attributes of Shapes- 1.G.1
Making Two-dimensional Shapes - 1.G.2
Partitioning Circles and Rectangles- 1.G.3
How to Create a First Grade Poster Schedule for Your Classroom
This is something that many teachers wrestle with, especially early in their career. What should I put up and when? Having worked with hundreds of teachers, we find that keeping a monthly schedule works best for most. Some people are pure spitfires and like to start going at this weekly which eventually overwhelms them as new circumstances in life get in the way. My best advice is start changing posters every other month that coincide with your units. The progression of student interest in new posters normal follow a 3-week honeymoon period by about 7-8 weeks out, they almost zone them out. As you learn what catches student interest, you can rotate those pieces in more. It is always helpful to leave some posters about as a form of review. If you have the space in your classroom, we would encourage you to keep a current poster area and a legacy area for review.