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Organizing and Understanding Data Worksheets

Data is simply information in the form of a collection of facts. It can come in form of number, words, measures, observations, or answers to surveys. The working world is obsessed with the concept of making fact driven decisions, meaning that the choices that businesses are making are backed by some form of evidence that it is the right decision. While data does not lie or deceive, it can be improperly interpreted. The key business leaders are great decision makers that interpret information in a manner that would best be described as seeing all streams of outcomes and choosing the right one. These leaders would not be able to make good choices if the figures that they were trying to make sense of had a high order of chaos surrounding it. Often how the information is organized helps increase the reader’s level of comprehension. This series of lessons and worksheets helps students learn how to coordinate information and make sense of it.

Aligned Standard: Grade 1 Data - 1.MD.4

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Guided Lessons

This is my favorite skill for kids at this age. They can be so creative here.

  • Lesson 1 - Make a system to sort the birds and other animals. Man, I gave it away!
  • Lesson 2 - You will never believe some of the sorting system I have seen on this one.
  • Comparing Sets of Objects Guided Lesson 3 - We use the skills here to make sure that we can clearly identify visuals.

Practice Worksheets

This is the start of graphing skills. It is important that kids have a solid foundation here.

Why Is It Important to Organize Data Before You Evaluate It?

Do word problems intimidate you? If it is a yes, we have a secret trick to share with you to solve the problems within minutes. Before we conclude anything, we need to have facts and data about it, don't we? Mathematical word problems are just the same. The wordiness is confusing, and the information is all over the place. To evaluate these word problems and draw a conclusion, organizing the data is particularly important. In broad terms, organizing the facts is the method of classifying and organizing hap hazarded sets of information into a more useful form. The sets of data allow to choose a strategy in order to come up with a solution. This technique is an extremely useful problem-solving strategy. Organizing what we have available to us makes the problem look easy, workable, and in an arranged manner. Identifying the relations and patterns between two or more quantities becomes easy. Moreover, it presents the facts in a more logical and more informative manner, which makes easy to look critically into the data, find out patterns and relationship, and make a conclusion. Students learn how to manage the use of facts in columns and rows through the use of data charts and tables.

There is a three-step process that we recommend all student use when preparing their data for interpretation. The first step is to categorize the data and highlight any existing attributes of that data. Evaluate each type of information that is present and determine which category would it fit into. Once we understand the type of information we are working with we begin scrubbing the data. This means that you take your time, in some cases this is a timely practice, and make sure that raw data makes sense and is all in the same format. If you were gathering the figures from multiple sources, this can be a bit of challenge. An example of this is when you are working with scientific data. Some research gathers may use exponential form while others may be using standard form. Before you go converting all the data into the same format, evaluate which form would be most beneficial for your audience. Those are people we are trying to persuade. After all the raw information is in the same form and well cleansed, it is time to visualize the data through use of data charts and graphs. Which chart or graph type you use is something you will need to determine based on the exact type of data points that you are considering. Some are useful to make comparisons of small bits of data and others are helpful for monster data sets. You should get in the habit of considering your data point before choosing you graph type. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen students try to force things into a line graph that were particularly not helpful for their audience.

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