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Counting to Add and Subtract Worksheets

When students first encounter the addition and subtraction operation, teachers often use what is called the counting strategy to explain this process. The counting strategy is just as it sounds, for addition we teach students that we are just counting up. Some teachers will go a step forward and explain it as a recipe. They would explain the problem 6 + 7 =, as you start with 6 and count up 7 places which would give us 13. For subtracting we tell students to count backwards. They would explain the problem 5 -2 =, as your starting value is 5, count backwards 2 places which would leave us with 3 as the difference. This strategy is very effective for helping students become fluent with the operations with values that total 20. Once you get over 20, it just becomes to time consuming and clumsy to continue with counting. That is the stage where we will shift to math facts. These worksheets and lessons will help you much better understand the use of this method.

Aligned Standard: Grade 1 Operations - 1.OA.5, 1.OA.6

  • Answer Keys - These are for all the unlocked materials above.

Guided Lessons

These sheets will lead students to start to contemplate patterns and ordered systems.

Practice Worksheets

After students have a good handle on the skill, start using these sheets.


How Does Addition and Subtraction Relate to Counting?

Addition and subtraction are the two most basic operations in counting. In simple terms, it is just like moving forward and backward on a numbers line. The process of adding means the value is going forward for a space. For example 6 + 1 and 4 + 3. In the first instance we are starting at 6 and counting 1 space up. In the other instance we are starting at 4 and moving up 3 spaces. Subtraction means you are going backward that number of spaces on the numbersline. For example the problems a) 5 - 2 and b) 9 - 7 translate to a) starting at 5 and moving back 2 spaces. b) Starting at 9 and moving back 7 spaces. Addition is the operation in which we count two different values and then add them together, or we simply add numbers together. In addition, the answer is always bigger than all the numbers combined in the process, i.e. 4 + 3 = 7. We can see that 7 is greater than 4 and 3. We can also see that we started at 4 and counted up 3 (4, 5, 6, 7) to make the number 7. In normal subtraction, we remove a smaller number from the bigger number and then count what is left. For example, when we see the equation 5 - 2 =, it means 2 will be removed from the number 5. When 5 is removed from 2, the answer is 3. As mentioned earlier, subtraction means counting backwards, which is, in this case, means moving two spaces back from 5. i.e., 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. When we jump two spaces back, we get 3. These are two most interchangeable mathematical operations there are.You will get a great deal of use out of these worksheets.

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